Saturday, June 05, 2010

As Usual Silly Hall And The Clowns Inhabating it Are A $ Short And A Day Late...

There is only one Highway of Heroes

Three years and 146 dead soldiers too late.

Hwy. of Heroes debate

The City of Toronto is looking to designate the DVP as the “Route of Heroes.” The Toronto Sun's Joe Warmington and Rob Granatstein have a problem with the re-naming. Watch the video. 

...Some of the less inflammatory and profane comments:

G.Goon Report Comment
June 5th 2010, 12:19am
MY FUCKING MISTAKE MILLER YOU CAN ACTUALLY SINK LOWER.Don't you ever use our fallen soldiers for part of your departing legacy.You respect them, you pray for them, and you thank God for them. BUT DON'T YOU EVER EVER DISRESPECT THEM AGAIN I TRULY THINK YOUR FUCKING IDIOT.
Baaaaa Report Comment
June 4th 2010, 11:43pm
Teri: Fact check time. Tory declined to run in the last municipal election as he was too busy screwing his PC party with his idiotic religous funding idea. He did run in the election before that but lost to Miller.....but that was better times and Miller was not hated. Why does everyone think Tory is the answer? His political record is abysmal. He could not even win his own seat. He may be a good economist but his political savvy is zero. JIM: If you read the comments you would know that Torontonians now hate Miller as much as anyone else so don't lump us together. We are just as disgusted as anyone that he would stoop to this for cheap political points.
patrick Report Comment
June 4th 2010, 11:36pm
Typical of Miller and Harper to grab a grassroots expression of honour and copyright it. Beware of agendas...especially Harper.. beware the American tendency to justify sending more kids to die because they sent more kids to die. RIP our kids Screw the pols.
Dee Barrett Report Comment
June 4th 2010, 11:33pm
Amen! I have stood on the Don Mills Bridge for each of our returning warriors. Thay are, first and foremost, someone's child, father, mother, brother, sister or beloved. They are our heroes and the whole route they take on their final trip home is named in their honour. When I stand waiting for the first flash of the lights on the escort cars, I am not standing on a fractured portion of their journey. The vetrans from the legion who are always at my side are not in any doubt that the fallen soldiors are returning on the highway named for them. Sometimes, a few soldiers waiting to deploy join us too. Just add the signs that show the whole trip to the coronors office. Fire services should be allowed to attend if desired.
Teri Report Comment
June 4th 2010, 11:26pm
Whine about Miller all you want You missed your chance having a great mayor last time in John Tory You received the city government you deserved. If you want a change get off of your fat lard asses and vote .Other wise, back up sit down, and shut up.
TDM Report Comment
June 4th 2010, 11:01pm
Don't you just love the left? Jack Layton is freaking out that prisoners may be tortured by Afghan police (NOT CANADIANS). The people the Canadian Soliders turn over to the Afghan Police are trying to KILL them, yet Jack is worried about them and Canada's conduct???? Miller refuses to allow fire fighters to wave a flag from a bridge, won't allow decals of support for our troops. What the hell is wrong with these people??? But it's an election year, so now he will allow it. He's politicizing the death of young Canadians. What an absolute ass.

Bob Report Comment
June 4th 2010, 10:38pm
Miller is a gutless pinko! Toronto wil be better off when he final gets out of Office. The sooner the better!
Peter Report Comment
June 4th 2010, 10:32pm
In regards to Miller and his butt buddys on city council please keep in mind they are NDP. Therfore gutless crawling cowards. They will support anyway who dies to protect them and then go in and steal what they can. NDP are the most usless bastards and whores that have ever crawled out from underneath a slimy rock to perform pedophilia on our children. Would someone please shoot that useless piece of shit Miller and maybe af few of the scum fuck councilors down town. Be one hell of a tax savings.
JIM Report Comment
June 4th 2010, 10:01pm
Isn't Miller the peace monger that wont allow fire fighters to wave the Canadian flag? Why does the Sun give this guy so much time?
jim031 sgt CD 
June 4th 2010, 9:35pm
FU#K Toronto and its Mayor If this actually happens -I will never spend another dime in that city The Highway of Heroes starts overseas - anywhere a brave CF Soldier dies and it ends in their hometown. FU Mayor Miller and your BS attempt to jump on a bandwagon

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I lean to the right but I still have a heart and if I have a mission it is to respond to attacks on people not available to protect themselves and to point out the hypocrisy of the left at every opportunity.MY MAJOR GOAL IS HIGHLIGHT THE HYPOCRISY AND STUPIDITY OF THE LEFTISTS ON TORONTO CITY COUNCIL. Last word: In the final analysis this blog is a relief valve for my rants/raves.

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