Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Common Sense Says We Should Support The Only Friends We Have In The Middle East...

Letters: Our readers side with Israel after Gaza incident

Baz Ratner /

Baz Ratner / Reuters
Students at Haifa University show their support of the Israeli action to board a boat off Gaza this week.

By Paul Russell  June 1, 2010 – 3:15 pm
Readers have let us know how they feel about Israel’s forceful storming of a Turkish ship off the coast of Gaza early Monday morning. Of the dozens of letters that have come in, very few criticize the Jewish state; most vigorously support its action. Here are some examples.
Re: Jenin On The High Seas, editorial, May 30.
I read with interest this editorial’s courageous analysis of Israel’s constant battle against the propagandists who have an affinity to words and phrases such as “massacre” and “brutal aggression.” While Israelis are resigned to the fact that Israel is the favourite scapegoat for the world’s problems, there were some honest peace-seeking do-gooders aboard the flotilla. Unfortunately, it is that naive minority who were themselves duped by their fellow travelling thugs and who ended up serving the role as human shields for a group intent on picking a fight even before they set sail.
S. Jonah Pressman, Jerusalem.
Kudos to the Free Gaza Movement, and of course, its proxy state, Iran, for a brilliant PR job with this “humanitarian” convoy. The orders likely were:  Make it purely humanitarian, carry no live ammunition on board (only knives and clubs), have ships refuse Israeli orders to pull into an Egyptian port and when Israel attacks, fight them with everything you’ve got. That will allow evil regimes such as Iran, China and Russia to condemn the action, deflecting true human rights violations in their countries. And when the report comes out showing that Israel did everything it could to avoid casualties, that will, at best, make the back pages of most newspapers.
Once again, well done!
Steven Kastner, Thornhill, Ont.
The United Nations failed to stop genocides in Rwanda, Cambodia, Darfur and Bosnia. Yet it called an emergency meeting over an Israeli raid on a boat. The UN’s true agenda is on display for everyone to see.
Jonathan Mackenzie, Toronto.
Last week, a Mexican airliner bound from Paris to Mexico was forced to land in Montreal, as a person on board was on the American no-fly list. Since the plane was passing over the States, the U.S. rules were still in effect at 32,000 feet. This caused no public outrage.
Israel has its rules too. It has an embargo on ships entering Gaza and insists on inspecting them, as ships have been known to carry weapons that have been used against Israeli citizens. Israel only wants what many of the rest of us enjoy: peace. Israel is only doing what the rest of the world has and would do, if they were faced with the same situation.
Jeff Spooner, Kinburn, Ont.
Posted in: Full Comment, World Politics  Tags:

Hamas forces a decision on Obama

Greek police break up an anti-Israel protest in Athens

By David Frum  June 1, 2010 – 12:30 pm
A “lynching” – that’s what the Israelis call the attack on their commandos by the waiting fighters aboard the Gaza flotilla.
But that was only the opening overture of the lynching party. The real action starts now, in the global media and the world chancelleries.
One casualty of the uproar is likely to be President Obama’s Middle East strategy. Unlike his blunt, direct predecessor, President Obama has to date followed a Middle East strategy as complex as some elegant DNA sequence. Read More »

White House supports investigation into Israeli raid, hedges on condemnation of Israeli forces


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I lean to the right but I still have a heart and if I have a mission it is to respond to attacks on people not available to protect themselves and to point out the hypocrisy of the left at every opportunity.MY MAJOR GOAL IS HIGHLIGHT THE HYPOCRISY AND STUPIDITY OF THE LEFTISTS ON TORONTO CITY COUNCIL. Last word: In the final analysis this blog is a relief valve for my rants/raves.

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