Friday, April 25, 2008

I Am Sure Community Minded Leslieville Residents Will Step Forward

In my neighborhood we have a group home two blocks away on my street, a drop in center for people with drug/alchohol a couple of blocks away and I am sure we have a number of similar facilities in the neighborhood so I think it is only fair to let other community minded groups to step forward.

What neighbourhood in Toronto would want a safe-injection site a la Vancouver's East Side for drug users? Um, no takers?
When the cops in 51 Division recently pulled the trigger on a six-week undercover operation nicknamed Project Revival -- targeting the rough-edged and crime-ridden Dundas St. E. corridor -- they rounded up almost 300 drug dealers, prostitutes and hardcore panhandlers.


The Skinny said...

first of all, that dundas street E corridor, is not leslieville. It's a looong way away.

I would say, if you had a brain, you would put the safe injection site, there the addicts are. If that were my neighborhood, then yes. Put it here. It would slow breakins and provide community services to direct addicts to treatment programs. In the 9 years I've lived here I have not opposed the group homes installed here.

Unhypentated Canadian said...

Okay...I have you down as approving an injection site in Leslieville and when the matter comes up I am sure you will email your address to the appropriate agency.

Clunk! Clang! Clunk! Clange!.......

The Skinny said...

apparently, you have trouble reading. I said, in the 9 years, I haven't opposed any of the group homes installed here. (unlike others here) That means I haven't opposed anything.

There isn't a need for an injection site here, but if I bought house in a Heroin infested area, then I shouldn't be surprised if any community based initiatives would put one in.

Does that make sense now?

Unhypentated Canadian said...

I was giving you CREDIT for your community indulgence and was under the impression that you would step forward if an injection site was proposed. Was I wrong? I would hate to think you are a holdover from the 60s involvement in civil rights where people involved in civil rights, but lived zillions of miles from segregated areas, were labelled as Harlem liberals.

The Skinny said...

I guess, it didn't make sense?

Thought it was pretty clear but I guess that went over your head too.

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I lean to the right but I still have a heart and if I have a mission it is to respond to attacks on people not available to protect themselves and to point out the hypocrisy of the left at every opportunity.MY MAJOR GOAL IS HIGHLIGHT THE HYPOCRISY AND STUPIDITY OF THE LEFTISTS ON TORONTO CITY COUNCIL. Last word: In the final analysis this blog is a relief valve for my rants/raves.

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