Friday, February 27, 2009

Come On...Tey Are Leftwing. What Do You Expect?

A sorry situation at City Hall

How many times do Coun. Adam Vaughan and his allies on city council expect Coun. Rob Ford to apologize for the same thing?
Ford already apologized on his radio show on AM 640 in the fall and again this week at council for falsely accusing Vaughan of being in a conflict of interest.
Ford had wrongly suggested on AM 640 and at council that Vaughan used his influence to appoint a campaign donor to a city committee.
In fact, Vaughan didn't suggest the appointment and wasn't there for the confirming vote.
Interim Integrity Commissioner Lorne Sossin found Ford's comments were "inaccurate and inappropriate" and recommended council note Ford had violated its code of conduct.
But he said there should be no further sanctions as Ford had apologized for and retracted his comments soon after he made them.
But that wasn't enough for Vaughan, council's lefties and others looking to settle scores with Ford.
Many detest him because he embarrasses them every year by calling them out on their expenses, while paying his own out of his pocket.
Ford often makes a tense situation worse by putting his mouth into gear before his brain.
If ever a politician needed anger management courses, it's Ford.
That said, the two apologies Ford has already made aren't enough for this petulant, prissy crowd.
They want him to make, depending on how you add it up, either two or three more -- a written one to Vaughan and verbal ones in council to Vaughan and council.
(Their argument is Ford's apology this week in council was delivered after midnight, and therefore not enough people saw it. Or something.)
Thus, Ford is being asked to apologize up to five times for something he's already apologized for twice.
Our advice to Vaughan, an ex City-TV journalist who used to dish it out pretty good on air to politicians he didn't like, is grow up. If you're going to throw punches in life, learn how to take one without being a crybaby.
Ford was wrong.
He's apologized. Twice.
Move on.

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I lean to the right but I still have a heart and if I have a mission it is to respond to attacks on people not available to protect themselves and to point out the hypocrisy of the left at every opportunity.MY MAJOR GOAL IS HIGHLIGHT THE HYPOCRISY AND STUPIDITY OF THE LEFTISTS ON TORONTO CITY COUNCIL. Last word: In the final analysis this blog is a relief valve for my rants/raves.

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