Thursday, August 11, 2011

Toronto In Training To Be The Canadian Tottenham...

Editorial: U.K.'s tough love approach
What British Prime Minister David Cameron said about chasing down the thousands of rioting criminals was music to anyone who believes in both justice and punishment.

National Post editorial board: British rioters have no excuse
Tens of thousands of British police are taking to the streets to combat an anticipated fifth night of civil unrest. The chaos began in London on Saturday night, and while a major police operation in the capital has restored law and order, rioting has erupted in other major British cities. The death toll now stands at four, including three men from the city of Birmingham, killed on Tuesday night, apparently while trying to protect their property from the mob (a man has been arrested in their deaths).
There already has been a rush to explain such behaviour. Members of the British media and self-professed experts are hastening to absolve the rioters of any responsibility, blaming instead the state of the British economy, unemployment, racism, cutbacks to social services and other default “root causes.” Read More »

Matt Gurney: The government’s duty is to protect law and order, not rioters

When the government finally stamps out the violence roiling across the United Kingdom, a Tin Ear Award should be immediately given to Theresa May, British Home Secretary. Under pressure to explain why police in London hadn’t deployed water cannons against the mob, May scoffed at the very notion. “The way we police in Britain is not through use of water cannon. The way we police in Britain is through consent of communities,” she told reporters. She has also fretted about using too much force against the mob, saying that Britons enforce the law in the courts, not on the streets.
Nice sentiment (if one that her boss, Prime Minister David Cameron, quickly overruled). May’s position is appropriate for run-of-the-mill crimes against property and persons. But riots aren’t simply criminal acts, but threats to the security of the state. They should be treated as such. Read More »

A senseless display London is ablaze because of thugs with nothing better to do

By Michael Coren ,QMI Agency

Welcome to the world of euphemisms.

A riot erupts in Tottenham in London, England. Within days copycat violence occurs throughout the country.
Yet, instead of genuine analysis, we hear about a man shot by the police being “a father of four,” of the rioters being “angry at cutbacks,” and of “years of racism and police brutality.”

I was born a short distance from Tottenham and it was the area of my social life all through my teenage years. I know this place, know the people who live there, and have seen the overwhelming decay of what was always a rough area, but not the hellhole it has become.

Let’s cut the politically correct garbage immediately and speak truth to power.

The overwhelming majority of the young punks who began the rioting, fighting, looting and burning were black. That is truth, not racism.

Remember, though, many of the victims were black, too.

For goodness sake, simply look at the pictures with your own eyes. Tottenham has been a largely black area for more than a generation now, with the traditional population still there but in a minority.

Unlike the U.S., Britain does not have exclusive ghettos.

Places like Tottenham, Hackney, Brixton and most of the other areas hit have enormous black communities, but they live alongside whites. This is why you will also see white kids on the periphery of the trouble.

To provide some context to all this, the last time Tottenham rioted 30 years ago, a young policeman was murdered. His killers admitted later they intended to decapitate him and run around the area with his head.

Yes, these areas are poor and rundown, but the immediate cause of the first riot was the shooting of a member of a notorious and sadistic drug and murder gang. He was shot by the police’s Operation Trident team, risking their lives to stop black-on-black gun crime, while trying to help people on housing estates run by drug dealers and killers, who exploit their own people and torture and shoot for the flimsiest of reasons.

There is no political agenda here, in spite of what white, liberal, guilt-soaked journalists and politicians might try to tell you. The truly poor do not communicate their poverty on expensive cellphones, do not steal giant TVs because they are starving. Britain enjoys free schooling, health care, welfare and a plethora of public services.

The recent cutbacks are minimal. Disregard the propaganda. While extremist agitators are trying to take advantage of over-stretched police and social instability, the people who began all this were thugs.

They are the offspring of broken families, who cannot control their appetite for fathering children with numerous women, who shoot rivals and innocent people with indifference, and who define themselves by how much vulgar jewelry they wear and how much fearful “respect” they receive from law-abiding neighbours.

They are joined now by the white, petulant product of a generation told to despise authority, education and religion, and to rely on the state. Tattooed gargoyles raised on antisocial entertainment, instant gratification, socialist dogma and empty materialism. The triumph of the meaningless, burning a city near you sometime soon. Be warned.

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I lean to the right but I still have a heart and if I have a mission it is to respond to attacks on people not available to protect themselves and to point out the hypocrisy of the left at every opportunity.MY MAJOR GOAL IS HIGHLIGHT THE HYPOCRISY AND STUPIDITY OF THE LEFTISTS ON TORONTO CITY COUNCIL. Last word: In the final analysis this blog is a relief valve for my rants/raves.

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