Sunday, December 24, 2006

Sue-Ann's Hannakah Gifts

And I would add a special gift for all the left wing councillors and their social in-activist buddies.........a copy of How To Be A Victim.

What would Christmas be without a few special gifts from Sue-Ann, the Hanukkah fairy, for some of those who purport to run City Hall

Folks, it's mere hours before jolly old Saint Nick comes down the chimney once again this year! And we suppose even Toronto's city councillors deserve a visit from the big guy -- even though they already handed themselves an early Christmas gift in the form of their fat 8.9% pay hike, which kicks in next week.

But what would Christmas be without a few special gifts for some of those who purport to run City Hall. So in the interests of political correctness, the Hanukkah fairy -- me -- has decided to hand out a few tokens to councillors who've really, really earned them. For the record, these gifts are being provided from the heart, not out of a $53,100 office budget:

- Mayor David Miller: For the mayor who has everything but money to implement his socialist pet projects, His Blondness gets an all-expenses paid trip to Hollywood to appear on the popular new game show, "Deal or No Deal." But instead of host Howie Mandel, the mayor will be treated to a segment featuring Dalton McGuinty with all of the premier's cabinet (I shudder at the thought) posing as the comely assistants holding up the cases full of money.

- Sandra Bussin: To the new speaker of this session, we bequeath 44 copies of the "Emily Post Book of Etiquette for Teenagers" to give to her brood on council, plus a gavel and if that doesn't work, a dinner bell to get their attention. The thought of food always does grab their attention. A crown, scepter (which she can use to swat those who don't listen) and a velvet cloak will also be in the queenly Bussin's goody bag to enhance her image

Giving never ends..........

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About Me

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I lean to the right but I still have a heart and if I have a mission it is to respond to attacks on people not available to protect themselves and to point out the hypocrisy of the left at every opportunity.MY MAJOR GOAL IS HIGHLIGHT THE HYPOCRISY AND STUPIDITY OF THE LEFTISTS ON TORONTO CITY COUNCIL. Last word: In the final analysis this blog is a relief valve for my rants/raves.

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