Monday, May 28, 2007

I Ask The Same Question Everyday

Blame urban culture, not urban guns

Sometimes I wonder whether Toronto Mayor David Miller actually listens to himself talk. Probably not. Nothing original ever issues forth from the man's mouth. Instead, he seems only to function as a funnel for every fashionable theory about "root causes" and social engineering advanced in the past quarter century. MORE...


Anonymous said...

ah. still yammering about how miller is somehow the one to target regarding gun crime. When will you ever figure out, that this, is a federal matter? We have a federal government, who promised to clean up gun crime. Oh but wait. We can't discuss the failures of the conservatives right?

No, you, are the one in those pictures if you think Miller has much power to do much about it. He's a mayor you moron. I dislike him a lot too. But this is sheer rubbish.

Unhypentated Canadian said...

I believe the Law and Order legistlation is bogged in committee. Look at the makeup of that committee and tell me why it is not coming to the floor.

Secondly where did the two people involved in the Justin shooting get the gun that was used. I haven't heard of anyone being arrested for supplying that gun. This is something that can be dealt with at the local level.

Every time the mayor is forced to step up to the plate we hear the same excuses.

Anonymous said...

oh right. The law and order legislation, that is to be the thing that solves things for us. Are you really, that naive? So we can sit here and continue to blame another party because well, we don't like that party. Do you even begin to realize how stupid that is? Are you willing to swallow that kind of nonsense just because your choice of parties tells you so? C'mon you are no better than the ones who think the liberals are the answer for this country. If you think that piece of 'law and order' is going to have much effect, go south and take up residence. I did, and you are in for one nasty surprise.

And as for your second point, you're going to try and pin this on Miller? What kind of nonsense is this? Is this blog nothing but a shoddy excuse for a Miller roast? Hey I dislike the guy too! But I'm stupid enough to believe that Miller has the power to make this right! There are plenty of other things to swipe Miller about, but this, is not one of them.

They nailed the two perps within days, with community support, even releasing the name and picture of a young offender to speed things up, and now you're whining that because of Miller we haven't nailed the one who supplied the gun.

Add more prunes to your diet, and allow the police, who are more than likely currently following up on the weapons they confiscated at the perps houses.

And continue point out the real shortcomings of this lame disappointing mayor.

Unhypentated Canadian said...

I post Anonymnouse's WITHOUT PREJUDICE because I feel I have an obligation to allow those with low self esteem and/or mental stability problems to vent their frustrations rather than pay a visit to Don Valley Viaduct, a school or a public washroom.

Keep On Flaming!

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I lean to the right but I still have a heart and if I have a mission it is to respond to attacks on people not available to protect themselves and to point out the hypocrisy of the left at every opportunity.MY MAJOR GOAL IS HIGHLIGHT THE HYPOCRISY AND STUPIDITY OF THE LEFTISTS ON TORONTO CITY COUNCIL. Last word: In the final analysis this blog is a relief valve for my rants/raves.

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