Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Toronto The Good DESPITE Our Idiot Politicians

Surprised by Toronto the Good - Acts of Kindness - Surprised by Toronto the Good
May 30, 2007 staff

Small things can often mean a great deal. If you'd like to tell us your story, please use the form on the right side of this page.

We moved to Toronto last month from a much smaller city. The move was uneventful, but [we] were exhausted from the seemingly endless chore of unpacking.

On top of it, we had just purchased a large dining room suite with hutch – a private sale in Oakville. We had no idea how we would get this very heavy set to our new home in the east end.

Meanwhile I answered an email [seeking] a donation of paint which was needed for a shelter. Two individuals came to pick up my paint. They had a van, and on the spur of the moment I asked if we could rent their services to help us pick up our furniture.

They readily agreed and set off with us to Oakville. Not only did they load the furniture into their van, and set it up for us here, they refused to let us help carry the items, saying they were used to this kind of thing and didn’t want us to get in the way.

When I offered to pay them for their time and labour, they refused, saying this was their way of giving back. Finally I urged them to accept gas money, which they reluctantly did. After hearing horror stories about the arrogance of big city people, we were converts to a new appreciation of how wonderful Torontonians can be!
Grace Ross, Toronto

In 1975, I arrived as a new bride in Canada. My husband John and I were supposed to be picked up by his friend at Pearson airport. We waited for hours, while John kept calling his friend. It seemed like the friend had forgotten about us.

John went out to the taxis and asked how much it would cost for a ride to Burlington. We didn't have enough cash, and the only bank branch inside the airport was already closed. We sat outside a doughnut shop, contemplating our next move.

The lady who worked at the shop asked us what was wrong, as we had sat there for a long time. John explained our situation, and she offered to drive to Burlington as she was closing up.

Even though Elaine Smith lived in Milton, she went out of her way to drive us home. When John offered her money, she refused and told us to give it to someone who would need it.

Whenever my family in Hong Kong asks why I love living in Canada so much, I always tell them the story of my first day in my new home.

Georgia Chow, Burlington

[Some years ago] my husband was laid off before Christmas, so money was very tight. I made a conscious effort to buy the cheapest items for our Christmas meal.

I bought everything canned to save money. Canned corn, canned cranberry sauce, canned vegetables. After doing a quick count, I realized I was over budget. Reluctantly, I started putting things back on the shelves, like the icing for a cake, and the cake mix itself. My kids were clearly disappointed, but I put on a brave face and told them that good times were ahead.

One of the stock boys saw this, and asked if I picked up the returned items from the special cart. I told him no. He dropped the boxes on the floor, and marked them "damaged." He said the items were now half off.

I know that he would have got into a lot of trouble for that, so I thanked him. My family had a wonderful Christmas meal, with all the trimmings. Thank you young man. Jenine Lipka, Toronto

It was 21 years ago I was young and had a new baby. I had very little cash and struggled with the price of formula, diapers and just the cost of life in general.

I had the most amazing doctor who had the best nurse in the world. I would go for a check up and she would give me formula saying it came from the salesmen and 'Take it, or it will go to waste.'

She never made me feel like I was taking a handout. Another time she handed me an envelope and said not to open it until I got home. It had some money in it. I tried to pay her back and she told me to just pay it forward.

This act of kindness left me with a lifetime of respect for her. I think of her often and if I find myself in the position of being able to help someone I do and smile to myself and say if only she knew how much has come from her kind actions.
Lisa Rice, Mississauga

I am in my eighties, and sometimes find riding the T.T.C. somewhat of a challenge.

On one occasion, after I boarded a very crowded bus and no one offered a seat, the driver got up from his seat, turned to face the passengers and said, "If someone doesn't give this lady a seat, I am going to give her mine.”

Needless to say, I was no longer standing, and there were smiles all around.

Grace Cramer, Scarborough

A number of years ago, I took my daughter and left an abusive relationship.

I moved into an apartment, just barely able to pay the rent. I ran out of money and the superintendent and landlord kept asking for the rent, and rightly so. One stressful day, I broke down in the hallway, crying and begging them not to send my baby and I into the streets. They left, saying they would be seeking an eviction order.

Days passed, but no eviction notice came. I managed to save up a bit of money and said I could make smaller payments.

The landlord said I had a guardian angel on my floor. One of my neighbours overheard the commotion and later paid off the amount I owed. That person would only do so if he remained anonymous.

I left a note and batch of cookies for my guardian. I am now back on my feet and trying to help others at every opportunity. My little girl 25 and a social worker. She decided to become one after I told her the story of how one person could make a difference.

God bless you, whoever you are. Your act of kindness will always be remembered.
Jasmin Norwood, Toronto

More and more and more......

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I lean to the right but I still have a heart and if I have a mission it is to respond to attacks on people not available to protect themselves and to point out the hypocrisy of the left at every opportunity.MY MAJOR GOAL IS HIGHLIGHT THE HYPOCRISY AND STUPIDITY OF THE LEFTISTS ON TORONTO CITY COUNCIL. Last word: In the final analysis this blog is a relief valve for my rants/raves.

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