Dion heckled off stage at Ottawa labour rally
Updated Wed. May. 30 2007 4:28 PM ET
Canadian Press
OTTAWA -- Liberal Leader Stephane Dion has been heckled off the stage at a labour protest rally in Ottawa.
Dion was taunted by several thousand unionized workers as he spoke on Parliament Hill, and was eventually drowned out by chanting.
There were loud boos from the crowd as he left the gathering, with many people complaining about the Liberal party's stand against anti-scab legislation.
Jake Lombardo of Hamilton, Ont., accused Dion of double-speak as he taunted the Liberal leader.
Lombardo blamed the Liberals for launching policies that he says are costing Canadians jobs.
The demonstration was organized to protest the loss of thousands of manufacturing jobs, particularly in Ontario and Quebec.
Liberals push Tories on G8 climate stance
Updated Tue. May. 29 2007 6:06 PM ET
CTV.ca News Staff
The Liberals continued to question the Conservatives about the climate issue at the upcoming G8 meeting on a day when the U.S. openly broke with the European Union.
James Connaughton, chairman of the White House Council on Environmental Quality, said Tuesday that the U.S. rejects the European Union's all-encompassing target for cutting carbon emissions.
The U.S. -- the world's biggest emitter of carbon -- favours "setting targets in the context of national circumstances," he said.
The EU's position is that global emissions have to be cut by 50 per cent below 1990 levels by 2050 in order to hold global warming below two degrees Celsius.
Above two degrees, the damage to the climate and eventually, humanity, become progressively more severe.
In Parliament's question period, Liberal Leader Stephane Dion asked whether the Conservative government wants to see the final G8 communique contain a specific reference to absolute GHG reductions.
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