Saturday, November 29, 2008

People Speak Out......

Waiting to hear the thoughts of the subscribers of The Daily Worker, The Toronto Star, et al.........

not buyin' it
November 29th 2008, 2:33am
if opposition don't like the election results,no problem.I don't like filling out income tax returns,end of story.
November 29th 2008, 1:44am
I am again disgusted that we had to vote...and now, the Liberals and their bunch complete fools think that they can OVER-RULE OUR DECISIONS????

We put Haprer into Office, that was our choice, it was also our choice to not only not give Dion his seats, but we also took them away from him, Nationally embarrasing his stupid backside.

And now, without the consent of the voting public, they will simply step in and remove our decisions?


The choice in the end is ours....not theirs....if the voting public feel that the strength of the leadership of the country is not enough, then so it is and have an election.....and we did that.....and Harper was victorious.

We need to send a message to Parliament saying that we do not allow un-elected opposition members choose whether or not a Government is fit to stand. That is OUR choice. We made that choice last election.

Hands off Dion....this isn't your show, and you lost, get over it. Get over this divine right to entitlement you spoiled bunch of brats.

On an international level, this is making Canada look like an unstable place, minority governemtns and non-confidence votes.

Two party system.....if you win by even ONE SOLITARY VOTE, you are minoroty, no majority, just a win, and the sole responsibility of governing this country, with NO opposition.
Craig A. Mouldey
November 29th 2008, 1:20am
I think we could be on the threshold of a democratic disaster. The conservatives were elected to a near majority by the majority of people who voted. they are the government. To have a liberal, NDP, Block group over turn that and have a basically Marxist government installed against the will of the voters would be a catastrophe.
All of this because of the financial melt down in the markets? This is not the conservatives fault and I still trust them more to help us navigate through it. that they are not rushing into anything is a very good thing.
I am starting to believe this entire episode has been manufactured by a few in power to gain control of the many. We had better wake up before freedom is just a word we once knew.
B. Caulfield
November 29th 2008, 12:54am
All the uproar over the lack of a stimulus plan by the conservatives is unfair. Even though the Americans are preaching anti protectionism, You have to think that if they bailout the Auto industry, it will be with a buy American made vehicles only, caveat. You would hate to see the Canadian goverment dump billions into the big 3, before they know what the new American administration will be like.
john stark
November 29th 2008, 12:33am
The Liberals should be in jail over the sponsorship, along with the NDP who supported them for 5 months. Just how much can you shred in 5 months?
John Henderson
November 29th 2008, 12:16am
The Harper government is doing exactly what is needed for Canadians right now. Any place they can find to cut unneccessary program spending, is the right decision. Until we know where the new Obama run American government is heading, then it would be a foolish measure to start spending on a new stimulus package. The Americans could just outbid up for Auto sector jobs, by knowing how much money that we were willing to spend to keep those jobs. Harper and Flahrety are keeping us on the right path. The opposition parties are using this opportunity to try and steal the last election. I would prefer a redux of the election, than having these clowns bury us in future debt and higher taxes. $300 million would be a drop in the bucket, in comparison to what these idiots would waste, if given an opportunity.
mark dixon
November 29th 2008, 12:15am
Are you an idiot Doug? This conservitive government just wasted 300 million on an election which they called by breaking their own legislation... oh sorry doug , you are an idiot
Edward Klutowski
November 29th 2008, 12:14am
Why do the opposition parties not try harder in order to reach governing status by conventional means...instead of using this situation to gain positions which the voters denied them...and MOST OFF ALL...I just do not agree to subsidize the Bloc Quebecois with my tax money while they continue to work toward the destruction of this great country.
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I lean to the right but I still have a heart and if I have a mission it is to respond to attacks on people not available to protect themselves and to point out the hypocrisy of the left at every opportunity.MY MAJOR GOAL IS HIGHLIGHT THE HYPOCRISY AND STUPIDITY OF THE LEFTISTS ON TORONTO CITY COUNCIL. Last word: In the final analysis this blog is a relief valve for my rants/raves.

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