Monday, May 07, 2007

Gore & Elizabeth May Reading From The Same Playbook

You would think if the environment is a "spirital crisis" that God, Mohammed, Budda, Ron Hubbarb, L. Ron Gore. et al would hold a Heaven Summit to solve the problem.

Gore sees 'spiritual crisis' in warming
Web Posted: 05/05/2007 11:12 PM CDT
Anton Caputo

Playing equal parts visionary, cheerleader and comedian, Al Gore brought his message of how to fight global warming to a capacity crowd of receptive architects Saturday in San Antonio.

The former vice president referred continually to a "new way of thinking" that is emerging in the country and offered hope in the battle to control the effects global warming will have on the planet.

"It's in part a spiritual crisis," Gore told the crowd in the Convention Center at the American Institute of Architects national convention. "It's a crisis of our own self-definition — who we are. Are we creatures destined to destroy our own species? Clearly not."

Global warming is the heating of the Earth caused in large part by man-made emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. Most scientists agree such warming and the changing climate that comes with it will likely cause a number of problems and crises this century, particularly in developing countries that have few resources to combat the effects.

These looming problems involve flooding and severe coastal erosion from rising seas and increasingly severe storms, more common and prolonged drought, and changes in the growing seasons and migration patterns of many wild species.

Gore told the architects they are in a unique position to help solve the problems by continuing to push building standards and methods that conserve energy and water. The message was in line with the focus of this year's AIA conference, titled "Growing Beyond Green."


1 comment:

Unhypentated Canadian said...

Elizabeth May leader of the Green has been a sterling conversationalist for many years now...As the head of the Environmentalist Group known as the Sierra Club, May has come across as intelligent, reasoned, articulate wiht a sense of humor.....not the stereotypical humorless sanctimoious tree huggin' squirrel. But as of late, May's politics is coming across as one acorn short of a tree. In a recent environmental sermon she quoted a British author in drawing a comparison between Neville Chamberlain and Stephen Harper...Chamberlain was the man who appeased Hitler. On Adler on Line I asked her whether she agreed with the author and she said yes..Question to Elizabeth May .If Harper becomes Chamberlain, does that make Stephane Dion, Churchill? Does that make to sense to anyone else other than Elizabeth May?

I'm Charles Adler

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