Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Warmington Is Right On The Mark...

Another headache on the DVP

Last Updated: August 31, 2010 9:02pm

Go Transit buses will travel on reserved lanes on the DVP, between Lawrence Ave. and York Mills Rd. (JOE WARMINGTON, Toronto Sun)
Go Transit buses will travel on reserved lanes on the DVP, between Lawrence Ave. and York Mills Rd. (JOE WARMINGTON, Toronto Sun)
The war on the car continues. This time the battlefield is on the Don Valley Parkway.
In fact the bicycle-socialists have established a new front that ought to help pay for some new environmentally-friendly bunny suits for our free spending councillors.
“Open Sept. 7: $85 for mis-use,” said the flashing electronic sign which alternates that message with “Go Transit bypass lane.”
Just like that Toronto Police brass have another fishing hole to waste their officer’s time to vigorously enforce instead of assisting with the city’s dozens of unsolved murders. If your home gets broken into, there will be no investigation but there will be a robust effort to enforce these phony new Go bus lanes.
At a cost of $120,000 to the Toronto taxpayer, Go Transit has a new 2.5-kilometre lane — northbound and southbound — between Lawrence Ave. and York Mills Rd, which was previously the shoulder.
It will now be a lane strictly for GO buses and if you succumb to the temptation to venture in, you are not only facing an $85 fine but two demerit points. And don’t forget the $90 fine for violating Ontario’s “yield-to-bus” law.
No fines ever seem to happen to any of these useless politicians, though.
While this is part cash-grab and part road-block, the Cadillac conservationists — who go on carbon-emitting jets on money collected from these fines — will say this is going to make Toronto the greenest morning rush-hour in North America.
All this really does is make your life harder — unless, perhaps, you are on one of those 100 Go Buses which will have 10 minutes shaved off their trip.
Wonder what it will add to the trip of the ostracized motorist? No one seems to care about the 20 minutes stolen from the north Toronto commuter on Jarvis St. thanks to the new bike lanes built for Councillor Kyle Rae’s 100 cycling friends.
Sad that for the cost of the $1 billion G20 weekend, we could have had a rail-link run all the way up and down the Don Valley instead of a few coats of paint that will make the DVP even more dangerous.
Once again they have stuck up regular people with another disgraceful, distasteful and rapacious robbery of law-abiding and contributing taxpayers while the real criminals laugh out loud.
It’s called the war on the car but it really is a war on the average taxpayer, many now living on minimum wage while being driven to, protected and serviced by public sector service workers making close to or more than six figures.
Meanwhile struggling families, many whose jobs have been stolen by slave labour countries, must pay these new fines, fees, taxes, levies, delivery charges and permits, with their third salary source — their already maxed-out credit cards which ding families with interest rates at 19%.
How fourth-rate failures like McGuinty and Miller can look in the mirror is beyond me. Our role has now become to service the Service Industrial Complex that is there to serve us but has flipped around so that we serve it. It gobbles up every penny in a society that no longer creates anything but new ways to soak our money.
This is just another money-collection trap in a long line so plentiful we can’t even remember what they all are any more. Beaten, and with their pockets exposed, many have simply put their hands up in surrender.
The truth is there really is no war at all.

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I lean to the right but I still have a heart and if I have a mission it is to respond to attacks on people not available to protect themselves and to point out the hypocrisy of the left at every opportunity.MY MAJOR GOAL IS HIGHLIGHT THE HYPOCRISY AND STUPIDITY OF THE LEFTISTS ON TORONTO CITY COUNCIL. Last word: In the final analysis this blog is a relief valve for my rants/raves.

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