Sunday, March 23, 2008

Violence In The Bastion Of Canadian Culture

* no bail for gun crimes
* mandatory minimum sentencing
* no concurrent sentencing
* no allowance for time served waiting trial
* all charges tried in adult court
* serve time in gulag style facilities.

Four Men Shot At Rexdale Coffee Shop

Shots ripped through the Country Style's glass early Saturday, sending four men to hospital in another shocking instance of public violence.

StreetBeat - Mar. 21 - Double Stabbing Probe Hampered By Uncooperative Victims

Friday March 21, 2008

Sirens screamed to the Dundas and Broadview area at about 8pm Thursday for reports of a double stabbing. One man was knifed in the stomach while another suffered wounds to his side.

Police say two men who'd been drinking heavily were jumped while walking on Boulton Ave. One man didn't even know he was wounded until it was pointed out by police. Both men were treated at St. Michael's Hospital and are expected to recover.

It's not clear exactly what happened. Cops say both men aren't cooperating with their probe.


The Skinny said...

those are all noble endeavors. It's easy to agree with the initiatives. However, it should noted, that not one of those points will reduce gun violence. All the evidence needed is south of the border. And their gun violence, is way, way worse.

This is not to say those initiatives shouldn't be done. It is to say, real solutions need to be found. Because if that's all the Canadian government has to offer, we will still be shot on the streets for years to come.

Unhypentated Canadian said...

If the penalties are severe enough and applied in a consistent and swift manner I might think twice about having an illegal gun. It might not stop gun violence but it certainly will reduce it.

The Skinny said...


All evidence south of the border which overwhelmingly proves my point says it does NOT reduce gun crime. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see it. Texas as is some other states in fact is executing it's killers.

Again, it is important to note I am not against increasing sentencing, but will point out it is foolish to believe this is a solution to gun crime.

The tories are relying on logic like yours to fool Canadians into believing this is a solution. Meanwhile, people are getting shot in the streets.

Unhypentated Canadian said...

There you go again...reverting to form.

No one says it was a solution but rather a suggestion that a normal person would think twice about having a restricted weapon if they knew they were facing hard time.

Where is "all the evidence" you use to support your position?

You cannot validate your position because there is no way to you can say that the increases wouldn't be
even higher if penalities weren't increased. The increases, if your position is supported, could be due to a number of factors; ie: increases in population, immigration patterns, culture, political correctness when it comes to race relations, etc. etc.

But more important you haven't addressed the cone of silence which allows this garbage to stay on the street plus you missed

The Skinny said...

plus I missed what? The sentence wasn't finished.

Reverting to what form? I haven't changed anything. I simply called it point blank. You made the statement that increasing sentencing will in fact reduce gun crime, I said prove it. I don't believe it.

Do you think Texas is more politically correct? Do you think Texas has bigger increases in population? What about all the other states where they have super jails, and they have severe penalties for things like drug possession. Is it working? Has it reduced gun crime? Has it reduced drug use? What facts do you have to support your statement that...
"it certainly will reduce it." ???

I see no reason to believe your statement whatsoever. You haven't backed up your statement. Please. Back it up.

The conservatives have said they will do something about gun crime. They stood on their soapboxes during the 2006 election when Jane Creba was shot on Yonge street and promised to 'do something about gun crime'

And now you're telling me that this isn't meant to be a solution? So when do we see something 'done about gun crime'?

Enough yak. Facts. I want to see hard evidence that something is going to be done.

Let's hear it. This isn't so much a challenge, but true interest in what is actually, going to be DONE. Beyond a 'suggestion that someone will think twice'. Because we need WAAAAAAY more than that. Tell the families of the dead about the... 'suggestion'.

Unhypentated Canadian said...

Conservatives introduce Law & Order bill which get's hung up in committee and the liberal dominated was Martin, McGinty and Miller who got on the "soapbox" amid the media frenzy.

Toronto Police Services have done and are continuing to do their job and I would ask how many of gang members are currently doing time for the Creba murder and various other gang activities...this falls under the judges and crowns who report to McGinty.

Do you own an unregistered firearm? Why not? If you did would you go out and shoot someone? Why not?

If you answered NO to these two questions then it is a fact that there would be ONE LESS SHOOTING....

The Skinny said...

Walter. Now this conversation simply can't be serious anymore. I have to ask why.

Of course I answered NO to those questions, I also answered NO to those questions under the 'soft on crime' liberals, so I guess their policies work too?

That's crazy logic.

You have again resorted to this sort of thing instead of facing the pointed question about your statement that it will CERTAINLY reduce gun crime.

You can't back that up can you?

My question, is what does Harper have planned to reduce gun crime nationally, since Ontario clearly isn't the only province with big problems.

It would be nice to see an answer without resorting to blaming the liberals somewhere, for once. It's time Harper stood on his 2 feet without hiding behind the skirt of the liberals to blame.

Unhypentated Canadian said...

I don't recall using the word "certainly." Also I believe, you can check of course, that Harper's Law and Order legislation is considered federal legislation and would be applicable in all provinces, teritories, etc.

The Skinny said...

"t might not stop gun violence but it certainly will reduce it."

You are free to back down on it. I'd still like to see proof of this. Global proof, not spun numbers from Arkansas either.

As I said form the beginning, this legislation, is not a solution to gun crime. I want to know what solutions Harper proposes.

Without any references to old governments, or the provinces. National, federal solutions.

Unhypentated Canadian said...

Oops! But in fairness I didn't say it was a solution but banning guns is also not a solution that will stop gun crime but I think my idea of getting the garbage off the streets that use guns and subjecting them to gulag style prisons is a start.

That is my position but I would suggest you read the title of this posting and think about what it implyies.

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I lean to the right but I still have a heart and if I have a mission it is to respond to attacks on people not available to protect themselves and to point out the hypocrisy of the left at every opportunity.MY MAJOR GOAL IS HIGHLIGHT THE HYPOCRISY AND STUPIDITY OF THE LEFTISTS ON TORONTO CITY COUNCIL. Last word: In the final analysis this blog is a relief valve for my rants/raves.

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