Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Mom And Pop Have Retired Because Their Offspring Start Their Day At Starbucks...

How many chain stores do we need?

March 23, 2010
Dalton Higgins.
An expert on hip hop culture, Dalton Higgins has written three books on youth, pop culture and music. He also works as an arts programmer at Harbourfront Centre and is a facilitator in the More than a Haircut Barbershop Project, which promotes positive fathering in the African-Canadian community.
He writes:
"While I was out at the Toronto Women's Bookstore recently reading from my new book Hip Hop World, I couldn't help but feel a sense of dread when the employee at the store informed me that the store's doors may be shut by the time summer rolls around.
"The idea of yet another crucial institution falling by the wayside does not sit easy with me. My definition of institution might fall loosely outside the textbook definition, but it involves time-honoured venues with a social purpose that have profound impacts on large groups of citizens.
"We make claims, often, of being this world-class cosmopolitan city. But where's the political will to assist and help preserve these institutions that make Toronto unique?
"Hey, I love H&M and Home Depot as much as the next working class guy, but some of these businesses, which have taken the place of older buildings and businesses that are the living evidence of communities that make Toronto somewhat interesting, are contributing to the McDonaldization of my city.
"Independent entrepreneurs in the city's downtown core need better tax breaks, more incentives to help them navigate their dreams through a nasty gentrification that has driven many to the 'burbs. Is there some way to establish some piece of legislation to help preserve, for the benefit of the city, select venues of historic, traditional or artistic interest?
"Can the fine folk at city hall (or any arm's-length investors with sway, please weigh in on this?"
WHO GETS TO VOTE? "The right to vote is the most sacred among the rights of citizens, no matter what level of government. It is earned through knowledge of and participation in the society ... It is not right that an immigrant who has lived in Toronto for one or two years, pays taxes to the city, uses its public transport, has children in the schools etc. does not get to participate in these issues, while someone who lives in Vancouver but owns property in Toronto does get to vote."
from thestar.com
Paul Francis thinks Toronto needs an upbeat song to celebrate its strengths – New York is synonymous with Frank Sinatra's "New York, New York." Francis has written one called "Queen of the Great Lakes."
Most people probably don't know that for Toronto's 175{+t}{+h} year, the city ran a contest for a song and the winner was "Love to Live in Toronto" by George Axon and Aidan Mason. Go to www.thestar.com to hear both songs.
Help shape your city: What kind of city do we want to live in – and how should we get there? We've asked dozens of people from across the region to offer ideas on how to make our community more livable, more successful and more just. They are posting their suggestions on the Your City My City blog. Sign on to www.thestar.blogs.com/yourcitymycity and join the debate.

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I lean to the right but I still have a heart and if I have a mission it is to respond to attacks on people not available to protect themselves and to point out the hypocrisy of the left at every opportunity.MY MAJOR GOAL IS HIGHLIGHT THE HYPOCRISY AND STUPIDITY OF THE LEFTISTS ON TORONTO CITY COUNCIL. Last word: In the final analysis this blog is a relief valve for my rants/raves.

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