Sunday, October 24, 2010

I Don't Call Him Snivelman Without Cause...

Furious George can't change his spots
Sue-Ann Levy
Last Updated: October 23, 2010 4:09pm

Smitherman is George of the Bungle: Blizzard

Two mayoralty candidates are neck-and-neck in loudmouth bully race


Last Updated: October 24, 2010 12:09am

 As Toronto’s mayoralty race draws mercifully to a close, it’s been interesting to watch the anti-Rob Fordites attempt to paint him as an oaf.

That’s odd, because in the many years I covered George Smitherman at Queen’s Park, I found him to be uncouth, a loudmouth and a bully.

Yep, pretty well everything he’d now like you to think Ford is.

Let’s just examine the high points of Smitherman’s career.

Before the 2003 election that swept the Liberals to power, he was known as the pitbull — the Liberals’ attack dog who would say and do all the nasty things every winning political campaign needs to have said or done.

Once the Liberals became government, he became health minister — and remained so for their entire first mandate.

So what did he achieve?

Well, the well-documented $1-billion eHealth fiasco has certainly dogged — or should I say boondoggled? — Smitherman throughout his campaign.

Largely on Smitherman’s watch, the money paid out to consultants for the eHealth program soared from $886,000 to $10 million.

But there was more.

While he was minister, Cancer Care Ontario, the agency in charge of improving cancer services to patients across the province, had problems with untendered contracts.

In a scathing 2009 report, provincial auditor general Jim McCarter reported on $20-million-worth of work CCO paid Courtyard Group Consulting Ltd. starting in April 2006. That company has strong ties to the Liberals.

Smitherman proudly calls himself the father of the Green Energy Act.

You will remember that piece of legislation, of course. It’s another boondoggle in the making. It is partly responsible for pushing up our hydro bills and forcing us all to pay massively high prices for costly solar and wind energy.

On his website, Smitherman says he can’t wait to bring that strategy to Toronto Hydro.

“Toronto has every right to be a global giant in creating good, green jobs right here. If I’m elected mayor, that’s exactly what we’ll do,” he says

“I will make sure Toronto Hydro is focused on doing its part and so will City Hall. It’s time for Toronto to move confidently into the future.”

Oh, great. Having driven us all into poverty with soaring energy costs provincially, he now wants to double our indemnity by bringing it to T.O.

Can we really afford this guy?

Don’t tell the people of Oakville about green energy.

He was energy minister when the government signed the deal to build the gas-fired plant the Liberals were forced to back down on and cancel recently.

That’s another Smitherman screw-up that we’ll end up paying for. It will cost hundreds of millions of dollars to scrap that deal.

Say one thing about Smitherman. When he messes up, he messes up really BIG.

While Ford had that embarrassing revelation about being charged with possession of marijuana and failing to provide a breath sample, Smitherman had his own teary-eyed confession about his past use of “party drugs.”

We still don’t know what specific drugs they were. Was it a gin and tonic? Geritol? Cocaine? Viagra? Inquiring minds need to know.

On Wednesday, McCarter issued yet another damning report on the shocking use of costly consultants in the health sector. Who was health minister through a lot of that abuse? You got it.

Last week, Justin Trudeau inexplicably jogged into town to give his support to Smitherman. The two were photographed jogging along, canvassing.

Optically, that was a big mistake.

Given the choice between voting for the intelligent, slim guy on the right and the out of shape dough boy on the left, I’ll pick the guy from Montreal.

So I guess the choice Monday is this: Do I vote for the plump pot-smoker whose biggest offence was not spending enough of his office budget?

Or do I vote for the plump former party drug guy with a high-flying spending habit when he was in cabinet?

Decisions, decisions.

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I lean to the right but I still have a heart and if I have a mission it is to respond to attacks on people not available to protect themselves and to point out the hypocrisy of the left at every opportunity.MY MAJOR GOAL IS HIGHLIGHT THE HYPOCRISY AND STUPIDITY OF THE LEFTISTS ON TORONTO CITY COUNCIL. Last word: In the final analysis this blog is a relief valve for my rants/raves.

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