Friday, October 29, 2010

Warmington Asks A Valid Question...

Housing sale a test for Ford

Mayor-elect Rob Ford smells a rat and just may have set his first trap.

Meanwhile it’s Toronto citizens who own these abandoned homes and it’s Toronto taxpayers who should get full value for them. Ford should also demand Nakamura to tell how it is one of North America’s largest housing agencies could allow these homes to sit derelict for so long and become

Behind Toronto's real estate sale
The city is under fire after a bargain-basement real estate sale that saw the city sell off 20 homes for a fraction of their $8 million value.

LR Report Comment
October 29th 2010, 5:46am
While Ford is there he should ask about the guy in charge of the elevators that works about 1 hour a day. And about perfectly good and working appliances that are replaced frequently. And why TCHC doesn't evict tenants that are knowingly trashing and vandalising the property, and throwing their garbage over the balcony onto the ground below, to make way for people that would respect where they live. And about people that are using their toilets as washing machines. And about a rule that encourages people to have more children because they will be given larger apartments or even townhouses.

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I lean to the right but I still have a heart and if I have a mission it is to respond to attacks on people not available to protect themselves and to point out the hypocrisy of the left at every opportunity.MY MAJOR GOAL IS HIGHLIGHT THE HYPOCRISY AND STUPIDITY OF THE LEFTISTS ON TORONTO CITY COUNCIL. Last word: In the final analysis this blog is a relief valve for my rants/raves.

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