Sunday, May 01, 2011

Even When He Was A City Councilor...

...I thought he was a pious, pompous, two-faced, leftwing social in-activist who ensured Olivia and he had a reserved spot at the trough.

Today’s letters: Why Canadians like Jack

Bryan Schlosser/ postmedia News

Three-year-old Ophelia McDaid was on hand to meet Jack Layton in Regina on March 28.

Re: NDP Gains Throw Rivals Into Disarray, April 28.

The rise of the NDP first in Quebec and then in the other parts of Canada can be explained. Quebec is the most “statist” of our provinces. The daycare program, Air Canada’s government mandated repair facility, subsidies to Bombardier, Quebec union laws, etc. The NDP, being statist, is a natural choice for a province dependent on transfer payments and the redistribution of the wealth of others.

Outside of Quebec, it can be attributed to our education system. Since the mid-’70s, education has been skewed to reflect political correctness, social justice, Keynesian economics, the evils of business and the importance of social activism. Teaching that a constitution outlines what must be provided to citizens by government rather Read More »

...and by the government they mean't the 2/3 of us to pay the freight through various forms of taxes, restrictive legislation, etc. and we saw how well this worked when the ndp were elected in Ontario under Bob Rae. It is one thing to preach give me, give me but entirely different when you become the giver.

George Jonas: The lower the turnout, the healthier the country

After the NDP’s surge in the polls during the last two weeks, it’s no longer impossible to envisage a scenario in which the Governor General asks Jack Layton to form a government — very, very unlikely, but not impossible. Would it be a catastrophe?

Yes and no. What is catastrophic about socialists is their policies, which the other parties are half-adopting anyway — the Liberals more enthusiastically, the Tories less. If NDPers from the government, at least they have to assume responsibility for their programs. Having to actually govern can have a salutary effect on socialists: It can teach some why their ideas don’t work. Trying to govern Ontario certainly taught that lesson to Bob Rae 20 years ago.
Is it an expensive way to educate NDPers? No doubt, but perhaps no more expensive than letting them backseat-drive the country. Read More »

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I lean to the right but I still have a heart and if I have a mission it is to respond to attacks on people not available to protect themselves and to point out the hypocrisy of the left at every opportunity.MY MAJOR GOAL IS HIGHLIGHT THE HYPOCRISY AND STUPIDITY OF THE LEFTISTS ON TORONTO CITY COUNCIL. Last word: In the final analysis this blog is a relief valve for my rants/raves.

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