Saturday, January 27, 2007

I Believe Most Of The Homosexual Community Will Agree.....

With Coren. Maybe not with his stand on homosexuality but with people's right to express their opinion.

Give us freedom to speak our minds
I believe that homosexuality is not normal and not natural

I may be asking those of you who believe in freedom of speech and conscience to give me some financial support before long because what I am about to say is apparently illegal and not to be tolerated in Canada.

I believe that homosexuality is not normal and not natural.

I also believe that homosexuals should be treated with respect and protected against discrimination in areas such as employment and housing. I believe they should be allowed to inherit money and property from their partners.

I believe that, just like anybody else, they can be loving and kind and wonderful.

I believe that they should enjoy complete freedom to live their lives as homosexuals without any interference from the state or other people and I would, and have, defended homosexual friends from bigots and thugs.

But I believe that homosexuality is not normal and not natural.

I use the words carefully and precisely because this is what John DiCicco, a city councillor in Kamloops, B.C., said and why he has been forced to pay $1,000 by the B.C. Human Rights Tribunal.

The settlement allows DiCicco to avoid a full Human Rights hearing after it accepted the complaint from a homosexual couple who were offended by the councillor's remark.

Apparently the City of Kamloops will pay the fine. It is not known who will pay the cost of repairing DiCicco's barbershop after it was vandalized and "Homophobia Die" painted on the door. This occurred after he had opposed the proclamation of a homosexual pride event.

DiCicco has said that he has no issue with homosexuals themselves but that he feels that he shouldn't have to endorse their behaviour.

Thing is, he is a Roman Catholic. And the catechism of the Catholic church states that homosexual activities are "intrinsically disordered."

So this is very much about freedom of religion. But then we've known that for some time. Also in B.C., the Knights of Columbus had to pay two lesbians for "hurt feelings." The Knights had refused to rent their hall to the couple for a "wedding" reception.

In Calgary, Bishop Fred Henry was the subject of complaints because of his opposition to homosexual marriage and at a federal level the human rights commission forced a Catholic woman to continue paying union dues even after the union in question used money not to represent members but to lobby, again, for homosexual marriage.

This is not about whether you are homosexual or not or whether you support homosexual marriage or not. It is about whether you support freedom of thought, speech and religion or not.

Nobody is obliged to agree with the Catholic church, John DiCicco, me or anyone else.

As Canadians, however, you are supposed to respect and allow our right to disagree with you.

There was a time when the current legislation did not exist.

If anyone then had argued in a council chamber, on television or in a newspaper that "homosexuality is certainly normal and natural" my response would have been to disagree. But not to try to silence.

Similarly now, homosexuals and their supporters are allowed to say whatever they want, and I for one would battle to defend that right.

Today it is John DiCicco or perhaps me. Tomorrow it could be you.

Do stand up for that which millions have fought and died.

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I lean to the right but I still have a heart and if I have a mission it is to respond to attacks on people not available to protect themselves and to point out the hypocrisy of the left at every opportunity.MY MAJOR GOAL IS HIGHLIGHT THE HYPOCRISY AND STUPIDITY OF THE LEFTISTS ON TORONTO CITY COUNCIL. Last word: In the final analysis this blog is a relief valve for my rants/raves.

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