Thursday, May 07, 2009

Coming To Your Neighborhood

Why it matters
I wonder if Christie Blatchford gets all kinds of crazy hate-mail about "bombing the brownies"... -- TORONTO -- For anyone who has ever wondered what on Earth gang violence has to do with them and why they should care, the trial now going on at the main Toronto courthouse offers a sharp lesson.*
halls of macadamia

Why we should all care about gang violence


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About Me

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I lean to the right but I still have a heart and if I have a mission it is to respond to attacks on people not available to protect themselves and to point out the hypocrisy of the left at every opportunity.MY MAJOR GOAL IS HIGHLIGHT THE HYPOCRISY AND STUPIDITY OF THE LEFTISTS ON TORONTO CITY COUNCIL. Last word: In the final analysis this blog is a relief valve for my rants/raves.

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