Sunday, May 03, 2009

Liberal Rest.....

Chantal Hébert
By the standards set by Stéphane Dion's meandering farewell address Friday night, Michael Ignatieff passed the test of his...

Angelo Persichilli
There is no doubt that the opportunity to get rid of Stéphane Dion six months ahead of schedule was a godsend for the Liberals. But adopting a...

Triggering an election will be harder than winning it
L. IAN MACDONALD: NDP and the Bloc have no interest in bringing down the Conservatives. As the Liberals board flights home from the coronation of Michael Ignatieff in Vancouver, visions of an imminent restoration to power will be dancing in their heads. MORE...

Ctv: Ignatieff aiming to change 'culture' of the party ...

Gaz: Iggy has to show us what he's made of

Some Comments From The Cheap Seats
Reminds me of when they crowned Paul Martin. Boy that turned out well. Why is this party afraid to hold a normal convention and choose a leader. Oh I forgot they tried that with Mr. Dion. Boy that turned out well too. This party is a disaster.If it wasn't for Toronto this party would have ceased to exist long ago.Maybe they want to come back and steal more money like they did with Adscam and EI surplus.

Micheal will make all Canadians proud when he becomes Prime Minister.

Larry from Vancouver
A Liberal is a Liberal is a Liberal. How quickly the media covered up Ignatieff's comment about the need to raise taxes!

I just don't trust this guy!

It will be hard for Ignatieff & Co, to control the "right" when they have so many former NDP members and left wingers in the party. I guess he will tell Canadians what he thinks they want to hear, then if he becomes PM in the future, all will revert back to the usual Liberal behavior. Let's not be fooled.

And NO, I am NOT a conservative "hack", but someone who can think for herself, and someone who knows what several years of Liberalism has done to our country. Do we want more taxes and continued scandals?? Hopefully not!!!!

The New Liberal Party, much like what was once the New Conservative Party, will benefit greatly from his intelligence and experienced-in-the-ways-of-the-world views. Canada is lucky that he came home after his travels abroad. Home is where you grew up, went to school and, in Iggy's case, University. Like so many Canadians, he then tasted the world and now he's home again. How sweet it is for Canada!

G. Gomery. B
So now starts the objective and challenge of converting the new leader so that he can get his Liberal Party Leader leather jacket and become a full patch wearing Liberal thieving and crook.

jim from wpg.
this guy spend 30 years outside of canada, payed no tax, so bring on the election iggy we will decide your fate.

Margaret / Calgary
It's a real shame that Canadians are becoming, have become so ignorant. I mean ignorant as in hillbilly ignorant. Most of the Reformer loyalists just repeat and repeat the same old cliches. None of them know how to think for themselves at all -- although they like to say they do. They watch TV, and read columnists, and then repeat the cliches.

I saw very quickly what potential Ignatieff has to turn Canada around; so that we can look forward to a future of optimism, instead of the dreary, Americanized path Harper is leading us down. Harper is concerned only with Harper's power - he will do *anything* for a vote. There's a name for that.

This insistence from the mentally hobbled that Ignatieff is American -- he made his name in broadcasting and freelance journalism in LONDON, England - not in the US. If you're so afraid of Americans, how is it that you accept Harper's adoration of the American Republicans? He's been very cozy with influential Republicans, and the American side of the Alliance Church - and George Bush -- for ever since he left Toronto and ended up at U of C. He's hired American spin doctors, at our cost -- without explaining anything about what he's doing!! He's refused to meet Canadian media on his big CNN/Fox tour - while sucking up to the Americans. It's pathetic.

It's pathetic how ignorant Canadians have become about their own country, and how little they think. Really they should be a feature on the Leno show.

More than worrying about any politicians, I worry about that ignorance and lack of education in basic Civics - the low level that our schools have fallen to, and the product that's out there working and voting today.

Don't Liberals need the approval of the Duma or the politburo or at least Stalin's ghost before appointment of the "Dear Leader"?

Scott MacKay, Alberta
You Don't Trust this Guy?

At least this man is liked and has some sort of personality.

Steve has nothing compared to this guy.

George in Calgary
I agree with Larry. One cannot trust this man from the States. He seems to cozy up to the American president and we all know that that little honeymoon will crash sooner than later. No Harper is just fine thank you very much and he and his team will bring Canada out of this recession just fine without cratering every program we have.

Oh for Cripes sakes will you give it up already with 'this guy from the States' 'Iggy the American' Ignatieff is a Canadian Born and raised here totally loyal to his country and it citizens. If this is the best the Conservative supporters can do for discrediting Iggy you are a sorry lot. Watch over the next year for him to quickly overtake Harper in the 'Who is best to run the country' polls.

Iggy was "crowned"? I guess that makes him King of Toronto and Montreal because thats where liberal support begins and ends.

If Iggy want to make headway outside of major city centres he should back away from gun bans of any kind. The liberals haven't been in power ever since Martin made a hand gun ban part of his platform.

Kevin in Alberta
want higher tax's vote Liberal!

If the biggest reason they have to annoint Ignatief is that he speaks English better than Stephane Dion that doesn't put Ignatief any higher on the short list that 32,500,000 other Canadians . The carbon tax was Ignatiefs idea which Dion bought , hook , line and sinker . Ignatief will distance himself from that because he won't get elected running on it . It was nice of Dion to test drive it for him though . Theres one born every minute . He'll distance himself until after he's elected , if ever, then hang onto your wallets folks .

A Lie-beral convention reminds me of a similar convention in the 20's and 30's when all the Mob bosses would congregate to divvy up the country.

For someone that used to vote liberal. I'm still not happy with their choice!I would very much prefer someone that's paid taxes here. However, I'll keep voting conservative, still the best choice!!!!!!!

To watch this "crowning" without an election of the tens of thousands of members, is scary. The Liberal elite simply chose who will be leader. No race, no options, no one to challenge. If anyone tried they'd be ousted from the party. Sounds just like a dictatorship to me. The Liberals said for years that Harper had a hidden agenda. Well, we now see who has the hidden agenda. These clowns actually want to go back to Kyoto. It isn't even working. Europe has countrys trying to get out of it. Then, of course, the taxes will follow. More talks of a carbon tax at the convention. This is like recycling all the "elders" of the party. Iggy isn't even the leader. His strings are being pulled by the "elite", and the Canadian public is going to see right through this "wanna be Canadian". First Dion (duel citizenship with France), now Iggy, who lived most of his life OUTSIDE of Canada. Is this really the best the Liberals can come up with as a viable option for Canadians??

1 comment:

The Skinny said...

if Iggy is smart, and I suspect he might be, well, possibly, he won't be triggering an election anytime soon. If they pull the plug soon, they will set the stage for a tory comeback. Mark my words.

He knows full well what many of us do. Just let the recession hang the current government, all he has to do is bide his time, and not make any big blunders. Tat in of itself will be a monumental task if his past is any indication.

But that just has to piss the conservatives off, because they must know the ship is sinking.

There isn't going to be that magical recovery where the sun starts shining if the last 2 recessions are any indication. We've had a big downturn, people have lost jobs and their investments. The real effects of this recession, are yet to come. Iggy will pull the plug just after that point. You watch...

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I lean to the right but I still have a heart and if I have a mission it is to respond to attacks on people not available to protect themselves and to point out the hypocrisy of the left at every opportunity.MY MAJOR GOAL IS HIGHLIGHT THE HYPOCRISY AND STUPIDITY OF THE LEFTISTS ON TORONTO CITY COUNCIL. Last word: In the final analysis this blog is a relief valve for my rants/raves.

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