Monday, May 04, 2009

They Also Promised 4000 New Nurses

Ontario to provide $100-million to keep top scientists from departing for U.S.


The Skinny said...

well hopefully someone does something...

Harper is doing a 'Harris' I see...

Unhypentated Canadian said...

Let's talk about the 4000 nurses McGinty promised. He not only didn't fulfill this promise but hospitals are doing layoffs due to inadequate funding.
Research is not a parochial thing...if some research in Timbuktu fins a "cure" it is hared with the world so why should we care to the extent of spending $100 million

The Skinny said...

typical conservative bunkum thinking.

"who cares about them seye-ant-eefic reeesearchers..

They kin go ware they're welcome an such, share their weeesdom win they git it."


As for the nurses, perhaps we're a step up from Harris, who referred to the nurses as a "hula hoop", a passing fad apparently...

Unhypentated Canadian said...

You shouldn't be calling researchers (correct spelling) and if you will send me your street address I will send a locksmith and electrician around as it is obvious from your constant Harris references that you have lost touch with the real outside world and the broken promises of your heart throb Dullton McGoonty.


The Skinny said...

woa woa, easy buddy, that's not good for your blood pressure.

Maybe this will be about the 100th time, I've said that I dislike McGuinty, I've said it long before he was elected, and since, many many times. I have never voted for him, and nor will I.

Is this now clear?

Man, the mere mention of Harris sent the fireworks going it was like stepping on a wounded animal's tail!

The truth is, McGuinty has failed us in this promise. However, to put things in context, your hero, was even worse! Hula hoops? A passing fad? Come on, what are you, a robot??? So unless you are willing to admit Harris was a lying bastard when it came to nurses, Spare us the McGuinty drama.

I can credibly complain about McGuinty, because I don't have -my- nose up another party's leader's ass.

the spelling of 'researcher', if you missed it, was a joke.


I was addressing the issue of keeping top scientists from leaving the country. Well so much for that.

Unhypentated Canadian said...

1) It is obvious you don't want help to discover what is happening today in the real world.
2) Even someone as f%#*ed up as you should know that a "wounded animal" can be very dangerous to your mental health.
3) I believe OHIP will supply you with breathing apparatus so you can breath when your whole head is in McGinty's anal passage.

The Skinny said...

man you are a sad case. Even the worst of bloggers I've had better conversations than this.

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I lean to the right but I still have a heart and if I have a mission it is to respond to attacks on people not available to protect themselves and to point out the hypocrisy of the left at every opportunity.MY MAJOR GOAL IS HIGHLIGHT THE HYPOCRISY AND STUPIDITY OF THE LEFTISTS ON TORONTO CITY COUNCIL. Last word: In the final analysis this blog is a relief valve for my rants/raves.

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