Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Isn't That The Truth...

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

No moment of national pride is so worthwhile that the left still won't try to suck the life out of it...

You've invited thirty people over, and you're having a great party with good food and drink, lots of laughing, and everyone's enjoying themselves immensely. Then some uninvited losers from hell show up, park their sorry asses, gripe and bitch about everything, and do their level best to suck every last molecule of air out of the room. And it's all you can do not to grab them by their scruffs and heave them out onto the street, with your boot's treads deeply imprinted on their miserable butts.

Of course, this is an analogy for the Winter Olympics going on in Vancouver. And the sorry asses who are giving it all they've got to suck the fun and joy out of the entire event, no surprises here, are the usual suspects of the left.

As the Olympic torch was making its way across the country and thrilling millions, there they were with their protest signs. Many wore masks to hide their identities from police (which, IMHO, should be a federal offense right from the get-go!) while they blocked traffic, intimidated participants, smashed windows, and screamed and bitched about anything and everything they could dream up.

Then there are those in the MSM who feel similarly compelled to drag everyone's spirits down.

Jim Travers, Toronto Star, fretted about Canadians unabashed and alarmingly politically incorrect desire to win the most medals, and, God forbid, actually be the best at something.

The UK's Guardian prints a disgustingly hateful screed by Heather Mallick that even her employer, the CBC, wouldn't get caught dead with on its own website. If you just ate, I don't recommend following the link to read this pathetic, reeking piece-of-shit excuse for journalism.

And Henri Aubin, Montreal Gazzette, blows a gear over nationalistic outbursts of Canadian pride.

Not enough french, too many white people, not enough french, too much patriotic pride, not enough french, too much flag waving, and of course the usual bitch, not enough french.

From the conservative right all I could find were columns like those of the National Post's Chris Selley and Kelly McParland that, reading between the lines, basically express a desire for small-minded pinheads engaged in this predictable bitching about such inane crap to just shut the hell up for a God damned change.

Personally, I find the declared intention to "own the podium" and this outpouring of nationalist pride so refreshing I can't speak! I take it all as hopeful indication that we're finally maturing beyond our tediously nauseating predisposition toward slopping around within the collective inferiority complex that has been a trademark of this nation since pretty much forever. matter how desperately all the usual suspects of the sniveling, bed-wetting liberal left try to prevent it.

Go, Canada! Go!

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I lean to the right but I still have a heart and if I have a mission it is to respond to attacks on people not available to protect themselves and to point out the hypocrisy of the left at every opportunity.MY MAJOR GOAL IS HIGHLIGHT THE HYPOCRISY AND STUPIDITY OF THE LEFTISTS ON TORONTO CITY COUNCIL. Last word: In the final analysis this blog is a relief valve for my rants/raves.

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