Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Sorry TNT.....

Scoop: Stephen Harper's assault on science isn't quite what it appears
Posted: May 05, 2009, 12:55 PM by NP Editor

The Globe ran a story Monday about a Montreal AIDS researcher who is leaving Canada with many of his research team to take up a post in Florida.

“The University of Montreal’s Rafick-Pierre Sékaly says he is leaving in part because of federal cuts in science funding and hopes his departure will be a wake-up call,” it said.

While President Obama has included $10-billion for medical research in his mammoth deficit budget, "Prime Minister Stephen Harper's government, on the other hand, cut funding for basic research in its stimulus budget, trimming $148-million from the three agencies that fund university-based research."

Wham! Take that Stephen Harper. Top Canadian scientist fleeing backward Canada due to underfunding of science. Generous and far-sighted U.S. steals a march on sleeping Tories. Oh, the shame.

So As It Happens called up Dr. Sékaly looking for some juice. Those lousy Tories. Cut our budget will they?

The story wasn’t quite the same, though. Turns out Dr. Sékaly isn’t a Canadian fleeing to the U.S., but a Lebanese-born scientist who has been working in Canada since 1986 and is grateful for the resources and opportunities he’s been given.


The Skinny said...

Oh jEEEZZZZ!! OHHHH, he's a Lebanese!!! Well then he don't matter right?

Idiot conservatives...

What am I missing here. A scientist, leaving for the US because of funding cuts.

Just what the fuck does where he was born matter???

Regardless of where he was born, it's still top talent leaving sateside...

So, sorry unhyphenated Walter, that has to be the stupidest response possible to this issue.

Unhypentated Canadian said...

As Usualyou read with your eyes closed....

Quote: Hmm. So how did the CBC interview go? Well, they tried, offering repeated opportunities for Dr. Sékaly to unload on Ottawa. Unfortunately, he didn’t seem willing.

“The political message is not for me,” he demurred. “I’m 58 years old (and) I’ve had a great career the past 10 years. Canada has supported me a lot.”

He noted that he’s been in negotiations for 2-3 years, since the Montreal team made an important HIV-related discovery, and a Florida institute finally came through with everything he wanted.

Wait a minute. Two to three years? Isn’t that well before the Conservatives single-handedly destroyed Canadian science? You mean this isn’t the result of budget provisions introduced just four months ago?

Um, no. In fact, said Dr. Sékaly, “my personal research has not been affected. I’ve been very, very productive the past five years.”End Of Quote

I am reluctant to get personal but you are really a loser.....

The Skinny said...

you're reluctant to get personal?

Well I think your past comments have proven otherwise. You have failed to address the topic at hand by simply suggesting anal solutions etc etc.

What you likely don't get, is the concept of not burning your bridges. He is too classy to play cheap political games, unlike you apparently...

We'll see if this comment gets lost in the ones you decide make a little too much sense and not allow...

The Skinny said...

oh. forgot to mention. The very first comment.

Says it all. I'm going to guess, the point will have sailed right over your head.

"Mr. Sekaly sounds like a very intelligent, honest man. Not out to score political points, but simply to do his best in fighting a horriffic disease.

It's a shame he's leaving Canada to go to the U.S. becasue it "now has both the will and the financial wherewithal to support clinical trials on humans and other very expensive types of research their work entails."


What was the point Kelly McParland was trying to make again?"
holy nail the author batman...

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I lean to the right but I still have a heart and if I have a mission it is to respond to attacks on people not available to protect themselves and to point out the hypocrisy of the left at every opportunity.MY MAJOR GOAL IS HIGHLIGHT THE HYPOCRISY AND STUPIDITY OF THE LEFTISTS ON TORONTO CITY COUNCIL. Last word: In the final analysis this blog is a relief valve for my rants/raves.

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