Saturday, May 23, 2009

Your Son And You Need To Get A Life......

A couple of weeks ago, I was waiting for a bus at Dufferin Station in Toronto at Dufferin and Bloor later at night. I watched a garbage truck come along, open a combination trash/recycling receptacle and empty the entire contents of both the trash AND recycling into the garbage truck.

I was kind of outraged, but I didn't dwell on it long.

.......then march down to Toronto Silly Hall and confront Comrade Miller face to face. Having a gaggle of media in towwould be a nice touch.

Then, on Saturday (May 16th), my son noticed this bin at Union Station. What's wrong with this picture?

Seriously, is it all just a big joke or something when you see these separated bins? Are we being duped?

And if we ARE being duped, do they think it's really a good idea to make it so obvious, as they have done with this particular trash bin?


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About Me

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I lean to the right but I still have a heart and if I have a mission it is to respond to attacks on people not available to protect themselves and to point out the hypocrisy of the left at every opportunity.MY MAJOR GOAL IS HIGHLIGHT THE HYPOCRISY AND STUPIDITY OF THE LEFTISTS ON TORONTO CITY COUNCIL. Last word: In the final analysis this blog is a relief valve for my rants/raves.

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