Monday, February 15, 2010

Perry Would Be Hard Pressed... highlight a protest that was not infiltrated by anarchists, nutbars and/or individuals whose cause is different from the cause of the "organizers." It only takes one individual with a gun or a stick of dynamite to cause the injury or death of innocent participants; does suicide bomber ring any bells for Perry?

Has Vancouver gun nuts?

Meagan Perry
Meagan Perry

february 14, 2010
Police seen with real live guns in downtown Vancouver
It's nothing new to hear of tear gas being used by riot police to end demonstrations, but as of the VANOC games, police action seems to be taking more confrontational turn.
Today, Vancouver riot police were photographed with rifles. It is being said that the guns carried by police in the attached photo are M-16 or M4s, but this has not been confirmed.
Whatever the model number on these rifles, their presence is certain to increase the set of risks faced by Canadians who choose to exercise their right to public protest.

(Thanks to Scott Harris of the Council of Canadians for the accompanying photograph)


On the left, IIRC, is a Heckler & Koch MP-5; on the right, a Colt (?) AR-15.
Fear-mongering - plain and simple. Rabble should be titled "Babble", I suggest, for the less-than-sane paranoia constantly being promulgated.
Peaceful protest is welcome in Canada - I think most Canadians value free-speech and the progressive dialogue it engenders. I think many also agree with many of the protesters' opinions of Campbell, Harper, VANOC, and the Olympics in general.
But there are limits. When activists become vandals, when - like other terrorists - they encourage a climate of fear by becoming violent, when they help justify ridiculous Olympic security budgets by their childish aggressive behaviour, then I don't think Canadians have much sympathy. Peaceful protesters who tolerate the rabble in their midst smashing windows or whatnot are just as responsible for the presence of riot police with rifles as the paranoid officials who hired them. And what's the difference between regular police officers carrying handguns and crowd control officers carrying rifles anyway? Both types of bullets kill just as well. Neither is preferable...nor is allowing crazy people to run rampant and threaten others' peace and safety.
I don't like the presence of armed security personnel in my neighbourhood and helicopters buzzing constantly overhead; but if it helps ensure the peace and safety of myself and Vancouver's global guests, then so be it.
If protesters were not viciously violent police would not have to arm themselves this way. Bicycle chains wrapped around fists, hammers hidden in bags? Come on is this protest or simple mindless violence. Violence begets violence. Anti-Olympic protest is justified, violence and property damage is not.
Cents has it right.
As Canadians we abhor the blatant show of force, we lower our heads in shame each time force is met with force, having learned long ago that nothing comes of it. As Canadians we know we can do much better than this, but acquiesce in the face of extremist action.
We also cringe when fellow Canadians (and likely a few outsiders) embarrass our city, province and country with mindless vandalism and threats that warrant this level of security. The Olympics are held on an international stage and unfortunately we need to plan for the sort of idiocies wrought by organized rebels supported by leaderless organizations like the Olympic Resistance Network.
But here is the real rub. If the vandals and rabble rousers honestly believe in their cause, if they feel so strongly about where money flows and absorbs through world class events like the Olympics, how do they balance the wasted expenditure of this heightened security?
Expenditure on security at this scale is directly attributed to anti-Olympic acts, local and international threats motivated by misinformed value systems of a very few. The blatant show of force further diminishes opportunity for the homeless, the environment or the ‘pick of the week' injustice that is cited as the cause for protest.
Of course the police walk down our streets carrying guns, you brought them. They are your guns, your show and your example of leadership. It is the sort of wish you dreamed would come true as you waxed on about wanting to save the world.

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I lean to the right but I still have a heart and if I have a mission it is to respond to attacks on people not available to protect themselves and to point out the hypocrisy of the left at every opportunity.MY MAJOR GOAL IS HIGHLIGHT THE HYPOCRISY AND STUPIDITY OF THE LEFTISTS ON TORONTO CITY COUNCIL. Last word: In the final analysis this blog is a relief valve for my rants/raves.

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