Tuesday, January 22, 2008

I Honestly Tried People.......

.....but I have never been able to sit through a complete episode of Little Mosque.......

"Little Mosque" creator speaks in tiresome cliches, doesn't think things through, lives on my tax dollars

"Nawaz wondered why commentators never criticized the TV show, Seinfeld, which is about a New York Jewish comedian, for failing to deal with the contentious issue of Jewish settlements in Palestinian territory."

Well, dear, that may be because (unlike your show), Seinfeld was created exclusively to entertain (and make money in the process -- those damn Jews!!). Jerry Seinfeld specifically declared to the writers during the first season that the show would never, ever feature a "very special episode."

Little Mosque on the Prairie on the other hand is a typical CBC didactic, "eat your spinach" exercise in "right think" and "education." So it isn't unrealistic to imagine the show airing a "very special episode" about some Important Issue (especially since Canadian Muslims, like Muslims everywhere, are obsessed with crappy little "Palestine").

Little Mosque doesn't even have to be a quality show, because (unlike Seinfeld) it is supported by my extorted tax dollars rather than popularity. And dearie, when you accept our money to put on your little play (with its all-Hindu cast, funny that. At least Seinfeld had real Jews...) you should learn to graciously accept criticisms and questions from those of us paying your bills.

Seinfeld was actually criticized regularly for being "anti-Semitic" -- or, more precisely, for "making Jews look bad"/being "bad for the Jews". (I just finished editing a book on this subject, as a matter of fact.) I could never sit through a single episode, the characters were so unattractive (although Jerry and co. were cuddly Disney characters compared to the creeps on Curb Your Enthusiasm.)

Nawaz sounds like just another knee-jerk liberal, her mind stuffed with shaky, uninformed analogies that crumble beneath the slightest scrutiny.

Kathy : 2008-01-21

1 comment:

The Skinny said...

hate to burst the bubble.

But a great number of Canadian made shows, are helped with Canadian tax dollars.

But I'm sure the Harperites, would salivate at the idea of censoring that too. I know how difficult it is, to watch a show that expresses ideas I either disagree with, or simply despise. And mother of pearl, if it's funded with MY tax dollars...

You know a little about censorship, don't you captain censorship?

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I lean to the right but I still have a heart and if I have a mission it is to respond to attacks on people not available to protect themselves and to point out the hypocrisy of the left at every opportunity.MY MAJOR GOAL IS HIGHLIGHT THE HYPOCRISY AND STUPIDITY OF THE LEFTISTS ON TORONTO CITY COUNCIL. Last word: In the final analysis this blog is a relief valve for my rants/raves.

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