Monday, March 26, 2007

When Called To Task For Our Internet Indiscretions

Most people, including myself, will fall back on excuses like; freedom of expression, it was meant as satire, I was being facetious, it was a troll, etc. etc. There was a time, when most of you weren't around, when it was felt that the internet was impenetrable by government but you could expect to get your butt flamed by the self proclaimed guardians who were usually individuals who paid the tariffs but bulletin boards, usenet groups, etc. and it was all text messaging so you had to stay on topic and be brief or you lost access.

It's just not funny

Let me give a little tip to Canadians and Americans alike that spend a lot of time on the Internet:

You are not alone. And when you say things like Kill the President and Behead the Prime Minister, your nerdy MySpace buddies aren't the only ones reading. You aren't the only one reading the words Jihad and Allah in your email.

My threads have been read time and again by the Department of Homeland Security, the RCMP, and my Internet provider. I'm watched constantly, even though I'm not a threat. Why? Because I use the buzzwords. They have to watch me. It's not a big deal, because I'm on the right side of the law. I'm with the good guys. They know I'm not actually going to kill the president, even if their sooper seekrit search engine flags those words here and sends them looking.

But for all you commie, anti-establishment assholes, get a grip. Your nonsense isn't funny, it's illegal.

Internet ramblings about Stephen Harper on the blogsite of an Alberta man found an attentive but not overly appreciative audience with the RCMP.

As a result, Patrick David Fenton is to be sentenced May 30 for threatening the life of the prime minister.

Fenton, 25, pleaded guilty in court in Canmore Wednesday to a single charge of uttering threats to cause death.

Fenton's lawyer says the whole thing has been blown out of proportion.

"He had an online blog and frankly he intended it as satirical," Tyson Dahlem said yesterday from his office in Canmore, 120 km west of Calgary.

Labels: Canadiana, Internet, Politics

posted by RightGirl


Anonymous said...

there is simply nothing funnier, than watching a bunch of right wing freaks yelling about free speech the left wing slobs and their hate speech law, and seeing this. Hilarious.

Unhypentated Canadian said...

I don't know if there is more than one "anonymous" lurking in the shadows of blogs although I doubt it. All of the comments I receive , under that anon, show the same cheap shot add nothing to the article persona. Plus he/she/it seems to hide itself.

Anonymous said...

you're right. There's really only a handful of us on the internet. And in that handful, only one, or possibly 2 of us, would have the same opinion. So with that in mind, most likely, we are either 'animals', terrorists, socialists, or whatever flavour makes you all warm and fuzzy inside.

I am rather curious, as to why you would allow a cheap shot post on your blog as your entry, but if someone throws it back, you view it as a useless cheap shot. My guess is, you don't agree, so the blinders went on. Because to many it seems, it's actually quite funny! I've seen the same sentiment posted many times on the internet. (oops, there's only a handful of us.... sorry...)

Well I didn't realize, that satire, is so lost on some. I will try in future, should I reply again, to simply make a plain, boring comment. Sorry for the confusion.

Since I don't have a google identity, and nor do I wish one, you will have to content yourself with 'anon'. I could give yo my first name, but I suspect, you wouldn't believe it anyway.

Unhypentated Canadian said...

anon said; "I don't have a google identity, and nor do I wish one" I envision one of my neighbors hiding behind drawn blinds where they feel comfortable complaining but won't open the door to criticism.

Sorry anon but if you want to play the game put your name in the batting order and step up to the plate.

Anonymous said...

oh really? And just what, is your name... oh unhyphenated Canadian...

Unhypentated Canadian said...

Your comment reached my email but I don;t seem to be able to reach your blog or email. Would you care to post either or both.......

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I lean to the right but I still have a heart and if I have a mission it is to respond to attacks on people not available to protect themselves and to point out the hypocrisy of the left at every opportunity.MY MAJOR GOAL IS HIGHLIGHT THE HYPOCRISY AND STUPIDITY OF THE LEFTISTS ON TORONTO CITY COUNCIL. Last word: In the final analysis this blog is a relief valve for my rants/raves.

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