Wednesday, September 12, 2007

There Are Ways To Keep Community Centers Open

Fear is Fatal

September 12th, 2007

If you ever watched David Miller when he is publicly opposed you will see the character defects of a bully. It is sad to see his instinctual reactions.

Such is the case with this eminent tax vote. He fears another major political policy loss, so he has decided to strike with fear at those who need his leadership the most. By closing senior citizen activity and recreation centers he is striking at of the heart of the City and this could prove to be fatal to his political career.

Financially these cuts make no sense. The centers will close Mondays and the full time staff will still get paid. The city will have to reimburse the permits fees. These closures will in fact represent a net loss to the budget.

All this retribution emanates from his disdain for his opponents on city council.

This dreadful action has been implemented despite allowing these city grants and pet projects like TEDCO’s $150 million “Project Symphony” to continue; it speaks ill of his priorities.

Let’s face it; the grants are just another form of patronage. The pet project is being designed by his former campaign co-chair, Jack Diamond.

If you ever wanted to take a “real time” look at possible places where money can be saved or cuts can be made view the City of Toronto web site under “Current Tender Proposals” and see what expenditures are forthcoming,

The following are just some “requests for proposals” on the current list.

A study of walking patterns within the city and telephone survey
A new $100,000.00 truck …..Hey we just sold one like that….at an auction!
6 truck vans…… Hey we just auctioned 20 of those!
3 more trucks to be used for salting-$150,000.00
Fitness equipment…..
2 more trucks for $200,000.00
Oh look! Another truck! This one is $175,000.00
One more set of high priced wheels: $100,000.00
2 more trucks at $75,000.00 a piece
Investigate migratory birds in the City.

Moreover, this site is a perfect place that allows the public to scrutinize city spending. When looking at the aforementioned R.F.P.’s consider this is an ongoing site that everyone can look at anytime and it is updated frequently. The information is one of the few elements within the City that is transparent, open and accessible.

Many of these expenditures are unnecessary. We just gave away several hundred trucks at auctions. Walking patterns and birds are not the makings of a budget-strapped City.

This is a case where the bureaucrats are spending money to maintain their budgetary levels. They fear a budget cut this year will mean a further cut next. This is systematic, bureaucratic spending.

Miller refuses to stop it. He fears losing the union vote and support.

Philosophically, fear can encompass so much of one’s life that we don’t even realize the paralyzing effect on our ability to live. Fear breeds fear. But history tells us that fear is a uniting force. Strength, courage and confidence come when you look fear in the face

As is the case in every school yard someone eventually stands up to the bully.

Given Miller’s choice of action, is it any wonder that a revolt is building momentum?

Once again our mayor has stuck another stake in his political coffin.

I know when I deal from fear I lose; it robs me of my freedom.

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I lean to the right but I still have a heart and if I have a mission it is to respond to attacks on people not available to protect themselves and to point out the hypocrisy of the left at every opportunity.MY MAJOR GOAL IS HIGHLIGHT THE HYPOCRISY AND STUPIDITY OF THE LEFTISTS ON TORONTO CITY COUNCIL. Last word: In the final analysis this blog is a relief valve for my rants/raves.

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