Monday, April 28, 2008

Message To Greg Swiatek

Why is the ndp party in such shambles? Could it be because of the lack of support at the polls by union members? Could it be because of the screw-ups when they are supported?

NDP takes unprincipled way out
April 28, 2008

Re:Province to end TTC walkout

April 27

NDP Leader Howard Hampton's cowardly stance in favour of back-to-work legislation for striking TTC workers proves once again the impotence and vagaries of NDP policy. Sure, the strike was unpopular, but what about workers' rights? And before everyone starts condemning the TTC union, keep in mind that the issues those workers are fighting for are most certainly the same ones that are confronting all Canadian workers, such as wages, outsourcing, job security and safety.

And isn't it surprising how quickly our politicians of all stripes – the supposedly pro-union NDP sadly included – can get together to thwart legitimate worker action but can do nothing to stop corporate greed, company layoffs, rocketing fuel and food prices, the outsourcing of jobs and bank fraud? Politicians just shrug their shoulders at these problems and blame them on "market forces" or "global conditions beyond our control."

It's about time we, as Canadian workers, stopped dividing our attention and our forces, and united in common interest.

Greg Swiatek, Toronto


Anonymous said...

This isn't the same Greg Swiatek that owns a couple of condos on the waterfront and a business up north? Animal Farm anyone?

Unhypentated Canadian said...

Thanks for visiting my blog.

I am afraid I don't have an answer for you.....the posting was a letter to the editor that I found ineresting.

The Skinny said...

as far as I know, they run a fishing lodge up north, and apparently bought a couple condos here.

Perhaps someone can point out what this has to do with the article.

I own a nice toronto home, and a business downtown. Does this mean I'm not allowed to have a say?

Anonymous said...

Of course he can. Just wondering about the Brothers ans Sisters juxtaposition and multiple property ownership for a hardened lefty. Isn't property theft to these guys?

Unhypentated Canadian said...

Let's make my position is obvious that the ndp fails to get support from their grass roots; ie: unions, the poor, the homeless, community activists, etc. and I will leave the reason why to those people who are the first to scream when people/companies are successful.They must have a reason why they don't elect more ndp members.

That was my message to Greg......

The Skinny said...

So, an average Canadian worker, who is left of center, is not allowed to own property either without criticism?

I see. Now I understand the confusion. What you guys are thinking of, is communism. It's likely a very scary thing to righteous righters. It's there lurking in the bushes. It must be stopped...

So the righteous right needs to equate anyone who is left of center, with communism.

Unhypentated Canadian said...

Where do I say any thing about leftists not being able own property or anything like it?

My original comment was related to the fact that the ndp, federally and provincially, are not getting the support that one would expect so people cannot hold them up to "ridicule."

The Skinny said...

not everything, is about you Walter.

I responding to the idiot notion that a lefty automatically considers property theft.

About Me

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I lean to the right but I still have a heart and if I have a mission it is to respond to attacks on people not available to protect themselves and to point out the hypocrisy of the left at every opportunity.MY MAJOR GOAL IS HIGHLIGHT THE HYPOCRISY AND STUPIDITY OF THE LEFTISTS ON TORONTO CITY COUNCIL. Last word: In the final analysis this blog is a relief valve for my rants/raves.

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