Saturday, June 28, 2008

This Story Puts A Damper On My Canada Day Celebrations

I am particularly upset about the last comment and I will bet this piece of crap supports allowing deserters/cowards to stay in Canada, legalizing pot, lowering the age of consent, etc. etc.

Window closes in Vancouver for sick child

Updated Fri. Jun. 27 2008 10:48 PM ET

A window of opportunity appears to have closed for a five-year-old girl, who is suffering from a rare genetic disorder after Air Canada failed to allow her to board a flight to China, where she hoped to recieve an experimental stem cell treatment that may extend her life.

Seeking treatment for Batten disease, which is only available in China, Hailey and her mother Miranda Goranflo were headed to Beijing after making the trip from Louisville, Ky.

Batten disease is a rare and fatal genetic disorder for which there is as yet no cure. It begins in childhood, and people who suffer from it generally do not live past the age of 12. Patients commonly experience vision problems, seizures, clumsiness or slowed growth, among other problems.

Still, Hailey's family managed to raise nearly $100,000 for the trip to China, where the little girl was scheduled to receive the experimental stem cell treatment.

But when they went to board their Air China flight at Vancouver Airport on Monday, the airline wanted medical clearance.

That arrived the next day. But the next available flight was on Air Canada. But even with her doctor's assurances they refused to allow Hailey on board. Instead the airline demanded time to assess her situation.

But before that could happen, her condition deteriorated and she was rushed to Children's Hospital in Vancouver after suffering a seizure. On Friday the news got even worse for Hailey because no doctor in Vancouver would clear her to fly to China.

So on Friday night, she was scheduled to return to Kentucky via Medivac.

After this horrific ordeal, Miranda's mom can't help but think that if only Air Canada had bent its rules a bit, her daughter could be in Beijing now getting better, instead of going home, possibly to die.

"This was her chance to get better. This was her chance and she's missed it."

But Air Canada spokesperson Angela Mah defended the airline's decision not to allow Hailey on board the flight to China.

"Our first priority is always to ensure the safety of all of our customers and the crew onboard our flight,'' she said.

When informed that Batten disease is not contagious, she said the Airline will always err on the side of safety and caution

Hailey's three-year-old brother Carter also suffers from the illness, as Goranflo describes on the family's website at

With a report from CTV British Columbia's Stephen Smart

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Let this mother take her small child to China where at least she may have a chance. What is wrong with these airlines? Wait till she is a little better, and give her possibly the only chance she may have.

Don't give up the fight - my prayers are with you and your little girl.

God Bless.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Be nice if Air Canada or Air China would fly them for free, out of compassion.

Hold on little one.

I hope someone that can help will help becasue everyone deserves a chance - private jets with donated medical help would be a start if someone can do it.

Come on Canada! Let's help this little girl get better and show her parents how Canadians can help. Even if it means we have to do a little fundraising and help this family. I believe the family of this girl has done enough and should let others help her. Imagine if these were your childen; would you be worrying about the cost of a plane ticket when in only a few years you would be having to deal with the grief of losing your children?
My heart goes out to this family and I hope this little girl can be treated even if it means having a treatment in Vancouver's Children's Hospital.

Oh Dear God - the people at the airlines should feel good and guilty if anything happens to this poor sweet innocent little girl. All they had to do was have the family sign a waiver clearing them of any responsibility. Give her a chance - I beg anyone from any airline out there to help this family and attempt to save this girl's life. Rally together and make it happen! Think how desperate you would feel if you saw time ticking on your baby.

Go Home Yank
I hope they're insured or paying for the medical care they're receiving in our nation; I dont want my tax dollars helping one single American, I dont care if it's a child. Do they care about the children in Iraq and Afghanistan that they're killing and maiming? No. They don't.

Put them on a plane and let their own country deal with them.

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I lean to the right but I still have a heart and if I have a mission it is to respond to attacks on people not available to protect themselves and to point out the hypocrisy of the left at every opportunity.MY MAJOR GOAL IS HIGHLIGHT THE HYPOCRISY AND STUPIDITY OF THE LEFTISTS ON TORONTO CITY COUNCIL. Last word: In the final analysis this blog is a relief valve for my rants/raves.

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