Saturday, December 16, 2006

Crime Is Down

At least according to Stats Canada, a lot of police chiefs and AGs and the mayors of large urban centers and instead of spending money on more police we are putting money into Safety Iniative Programs. The results are becoming more evident day by day......

Thuggery worsens

Tom Brodbeck

December 14th, 2006—Is there no common decency among thieves anymore? There used to be a time when, if you co-operated with punks who wanted to steal your wallet or empty your cash register, you could usually escape unharmed.

What the thieves normally wanted was whatever you had and they didn’t.

Instead of working for a living and making their own money, these worthless souls would rather just take yours by force — usually with a gun or at knifepoint.

But that appears to be changing. Now they want to assault you, too, even when you do co-operate.

Winnipeg police reported yesterday they’re looking for a punk in his late 20s who robbed Brazier Foods in the Elmwood area last month.

The robbery, caught on surveillance camera, shows the man asking for the money and the clerk co-operating fully with his demands.

The punk got the money. But apparently that wasn’t good enough for him. Before he left the store he pulled out what appears to be a canister of pepper spray and blasted the clerk in the face for no reason whatsoever, other than to be a scum-sucking low-life.

What’s up with that?

On Sunday, a 45-year-old man was robbed in the Central Park area and severely beaten even though he, too, complied with the thieves’ request.

Two armed 15-year-old males allegedly approached the man around 7 a.m. and demanded his wallet.

The man handed it over.

Despite that, the punks allegedly beat the pulp out of him even though he didn’t resist the robbery whatsoever.

Then they drove away in his car.

The two were later arrested and have been charged with numerous offences.

Three weeks ago, two women were robbed in two separate incidences, possibly by the same man, about 10 blocks from each other — one in the 600 block of William Avenue and the other near Central Park.

Getting worse

It wasn’t good enough for the punk to just rob the women, he had to assault them, too.

Linda Shewchook, 57 — one of the victims — said she was punched, kneed, kicked in the face and choked while she was robbed.

She suffered a broken nose and other facial injuries.

Whatever happened to a simple “stick ’em up” and “hand over your purse”?

It’s bad enough they’re robbing you. Do they have to kick the crap out of you, too?

It’s further proof the level of violence on the street is getting worse.

Thieves aren’t satisfied just stealing from you anymore, they want the power-trip high of assaulting you, too.

It’s not like these assault-robberies never happened before. But they were usually associated with the victim showing some resistance.

The old line of “co-operate and no one will get hurt” seems to have gone out the window.

Part of the reason is that criminals know little will happen to them if they commit a violent crime.

They know they’ll probably just get a conditional sentence or something.

If they’re under 18, they might face a few hours of community service that won’t be enforced.

The robbery part of the crime is to get the money to buy booze, drugs and cigarettes. The assault part is just for sport, a freebie that will likely be plea-bargained away in some “deal” with the Crown.

The scumbags are getting scummier.

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I lean to the right but I still have a heart and if I have a mission it is to respond to attacks on people not available to protect themselves and to point out the hypocrisy of the left at every opportunity.MY MAJOR GOAL IS HIGHLIGHT THE HYPOCRISY AND STUPIDITY OF THE LEFTISTS ON TORONTO CITY COUNCIL. Last word: In the final analysis this blog is a relief valve for my rants/raves.

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