Tuesday, December 19, 2006

A Message to Canadian Feminist Groups/Supporters

You might want to put your problems with the PM in perspective.....

Here are some rules that keep women in their Muhammad stipulated place.

* If a Muslim woman is murdered, her beneficiary is entitled to one-half dyyeh-blood money, or compensation-as that of a murdered Muslim male.

* A woman's testimony in the court of law is worth one-half that of a man.

* A woman must provide four witnesses to substantiate her claim of being raped.

* A man can divorce his wife by simply saying to her, "I divorce you," three times.

* A divorced woman is entitled to a miserly compensation and automatically forfeits her rights to her children.

* Women are barred from the lucrative and powerful cast of clergy.

* Husbands are entitled to punish their wives corporally.

* Men are allowed to have four wives at any one time and as many concubines as they desire and can afford.

* Saudi Arabia, the custodian of "true Islam" imposes a raft of restrictions on women such as: women are not allowed to drive; they are not permitted to leave the country without accompaniment or explicit permission of their male kin; they are barred from most government jobs and much much more.

* Among other Muslims, such as the Taliban and the Pashtoon of Afghanistan-Pakistan region, women are barred from education and not even allowed to leave the house unless accompanied by a male kin.

* Since education, particularly professional education is often denied to women in many Islamic societies. There is scarcity of women physicians and male doctors are often forbidden to treat women patients.

Such is the plight of women under Islam. There is hardly the need to provide an exhaustive list of Islamic misogyny to qualify it as a shameful, discriminatory and oppressive religious apartheid.

Will Muslim women ever break out of their bondage and claim their rightful place among emancipated non-Muslim women?


Anonymous said...

one can only surmise that you agree with this. Otherwise, why would you blog this?

In either case, you are one sick puppy.

Unhypentated Canadian said...

You "surmise" wrong.....the reason for "blogging" it was to point out that the north american feminist groups need to put things in perspective. This would be obvious to anyone who reads the posts and posts comments that elict discussion rather than personal cheap shots.

Anonymous said...

'need to put things in perspective'. Well. I surmised correctly then! You are saying that North American Feminists have to keep things in perspective, just like the article you posted. So, in other words, you think the women here should look over their shoulders, and look at the women getting raped and needing 4 witnesses to substantiate her claim, testimony being worth half that of a man, and those are some of the tame ones... and they should feel damn lucky they aren't in that position. So shut the f*** up. That is in effect what you are saying.

Or do you have a different point. Let's hear it.

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I lean to the right but I still have a heart and if I have a mission it is to respond to attacks on people not available to protect themselves and to point out the hypocrisy of the left at every opportunity.MY MAJOR GOAL IS HIGHLIGHT THE HYPOCRISY AND STUPIDITY OF THE LEFTISTS ON TORONTO CITY COUNCIL. Last word: In the final analysis this blog is a relief valve for my rants/raves.

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