Sunday, February 25, 2007

Failing To Walk The Kyoto Talk

Being green is akin to mom and apple pie but when it comes to making a personal commitment don't be surprised when reality sets in.

Exposing the real climate 'deniers'
They're pro-Kyoto, as long as they don't have to pay any price

Today, let's attack the real global warming "deniers."

The affluent, First World, Kyoto crackheads, who condemn anyone who questions their hysterical "apocalypse now" rhetoric as being no better than a Holocaust denier.

Their rhetoric is morally repugnant and disgusting. Plus, they're fools.

They carry on as if coal, oil and natural gas are evil, instead of being a product of the natural world that has enabled civilization to flourish and saved more lives than any of them ever will.

Fossil fuels are the reason we are no longer wiped out by one cold winter or dry summer. They enable us to live in places that would have been unthinkable for our ancestors.

Thanks to fossil fuels, we can live by choice far away from the ocean -- generally a good idea.

That's because people who live close to the ocean, especially on flood plains or below sea level, stand a better than average chance of being killed by the weather.

Remember the weather? It's what affluent Kyoto crackheads mistakenly call "climate change."

For example, take all their nonsense about people dying in New Orleans because of global warming.

People died in New Orleans because it was stupid to build a major city below sea level so close to the warm waters of the Gulf, in a part of the world notorious for fierce hurricanes, long before anyone had ever heard of Al Gore or Katrina. It was a man-made disaster, but it had nothing to do with global warming.

The burning of fossil fuels is responsible for modern civilization. To discover what civilization is like without fossil fuels, visit any place that doesn't have them.

Of course we must conserve these dwindling resources and burn them as cleanly as possible.

We must do better. Never mind global warming. Smog really is killing us.

But these affluent Kyoto crackheads have another agenda. Many despise humanity, believing it would be best if billions were bumped off so they could tend their flocks of sheep in harmony with nature.

Until, of course, they were stricken with malaria, or a broken neck, in which case they'd be first in line demanding the benefits of modern civilization, built on fossil fuels.

Everyone's a "back to nature" eco-freak until it's them lying on the operating table.

Picture these affluent Kyoto crackheads nodding their heads in agreement while they read in their national newspaper that the climate is in crisis. Of course, they're reading it in their monster homes with two SUVs parked outside, in which they drive their kids to school every day, even though they could use the 10-minute walk. They denounce that "fascist" Stephen Harper for not caring about the environment. They're idiots.

Their nanny is a far better steward of the planet than they are. She takes public transit. They drive SUVs. She isn't flying off to exotic vacations on planes that are mainlining greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. She lives in an apartment, not a monster home that is a sink hole for fossil fuels.

Obsessing about global warming is an affliction of the rich and bored. Ask the Chinese.

Journalist George Monbiot, sadly, does use some "climate denier" rhetoric in his new book Heat: How to Stop the Planet From Burning. But he also understands, incisively, the mentality of the affluent Kyoto crackhead -- although, in fairness, he thinks it covers pretty much everyone living in "the rich nations."


"We wish our governments to pretend to act," he writes. "We get the moral satisfaction of saying what we know to be right, without the discomfort of doing it. My fear is that the political parties in most rich nations have already recognized this. They know that we want tough targets, but that we also want those targets to be missed ... They know that nobody ever rioted for austerity."

That, for me, is the mantra of the affluent Kyoto crackheads. They desire tough talk, not tough action. And in their hypocrisy, they are the real global warming "deniers."

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I lean to the right but I still have a heart and if I have a mission it is to respond to attacks on people not available to protect themselves and to point out the hypocrisy of the left at every opportunity.MY MAJOR GOAL IS HIGHLIGHT THE HYPOCRISY AND STUPIDITY OF THE LEFTISTS ON TORONTO CITY COUNCIL. Last word: In the final analysis this blog is a relief valve for my rants/raves.

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