Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The People Have Spoken-Is Mayor Miller Listening

Not on your bloody life. Like all of his decisions this one is based on his kow-towing to his own special interest groups....the environuts. Incineration might not be perfect but it beats the damage caused to the environment by hundreds of trucks on our highways.

91% approve burning trash
`Widespread view' among public that change necessary

Miller at odds with challengers; warns technology unsafe
Oct. 31, 2006. 05:36 AM

With Greater Toronto facing a garbage crisis, more than nine in 10 residents believe burning waste to produce electricity could be a viable solution.And according to a Toronto Star/Decima Research poll, 79 per cent of respondents also said it's time their city considered significant changes and new solutions to garbage-disposal problems."There is a very widespread view that the garbage situation has to change," said Decima chief executive Bruce Anderson. "These results show that people not only want to believe, but are prepared to believe, that technology will be able to turn garbage into valuable energy without harmful emissions."Whatever resistance political leaders might sense to traditional incineration concepts may not be relevant to how the public will react to modern technologies and current circumstances."

Toronto Mayor David Miller is a staunch opponent of incineration, saying such facilities can produce dangerous dioxins.

Two of his election challengers, Councillor Jane Pitfield and Stephen LeDrew, say the city should consider energy-from-waste plants as a way to deal with the growing garbage crisis.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The interesting thing about this is, there seems very little concrete info on incineration besides, well so and so does it, it must be safe. Oh, and studies by, hmmm, the industry that stands to gain from placement of these incinerators. And now it seems that if the majority of people, who probably know squat about incineration beyond what they are fed in news media, 'believe' incineration 'might be' safe, we now have a cause to root for it. Pitfield is a talentless twit who seems more interested in becoming mayor than actually having a strong vision for the city that she can actually back up. Anyone listen to the pie in the sky crap that is her transit plans? Puhlease. So this election is a sad case of Miller supporters who are willing to overlook his leftist warts because he at least seems to have a semblance of a lucid vision, and those dumb enough to rally behind a puppet for 'change', even if they haven't quite figured it all out yet.

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I lean to the right but I still have a heart and if I have a mission it is to respond to attacks on people not available to protect themselves and to point out the hypocrisy of the left at every opportunity.MY MAJOR GOAL IS HIGHLIGHT THE HYPOCRISY AND STUPIDITY OF THE LEFTISTS ON TORONTO CITY COUNCIL. Last word: In the final analysis this blog is a relief valve for my rants/raves.

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