Saturday, October 07, 2006

Same Sex Marriages Won't Go Away

CTV recently had a poll on this issue:

Should religious-minded civil servants be allowed by law to refuse to preside over the civil marriages of gay and lesbian couples?

11472 votes (77 %)

3347 votes (23 %)

Total Votes: 14819

and it is obvious that the vast majority want protection for those for oppose same sex marriage
and I think that is what Harper is trying to accomplish but the fact is if you are a civil servant, employed or appointed by the federal, provincial or municipal governments, then you have a duty to carry out the law of the land or find another job.


I'm not quite sure to make of this yet. In my gut, I think a Defense of Religions Act is a good, but in realpolitik will probably be more for optics in the next election then anything else.

If the Tories cannot win in the Commons on re-opening the issue of SSM, I cannot see how any act that defends religious freedoms can be won also. The same groups will vote along the same lines.

What is of note, is that it will bring out in the open what one of the goals of SSM was to begin with; to stifle the views of religious people who might dare to oppose it and the almighty voices on high of the radical secularist movement.

If religious people have nothing to fear from the proponents of SSM, then the proponents of SSM should have no problem giving religious people more protection. But we know they won't because we know what they hope to accomplish. Many of the fears that the opponents of SSM said would happened already have.

We have seen the Knights of Columbus targetted;

We have seen Justices of the Peace fired;

We have seen people get evicted from their homes;

We have seen teachers lose their jobs.

We have read the report the Liberals commissioned on how to sell polygamy to Canada.

SSM may be here to stay in Canada for our lifetimes, but know this, so is the debate about it. If the proponents of SSM, be they progressive, feminist, gay, academic or even 'conservative', think people of religious persuasions will just allow themselves to be bullied and skulk off into the night, as everything they believe in is mocked, ridiculed and reviled, they are fooling themselves.

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I lean to the right but I still have a heart and if I have a mission it is to respond to attacks on people not available to protect themselves and to point out the hypocrisy of the left at every opportunity.MY MAJOR GOAL IS HIGHLIGHT THE HYPOCRISY AND STUPIDITY OF THE LEFTISTS ON TORONTO CITY COUNCIL. Last word: In the final analysis this blog is a relief valve for my rants/raves.

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