Saturday, July 28, 2007

June Veecock Hits The Nail Right On The Head

In defense of the black community June has played all the right cards in her attack on Innocent Madawo's column in The Sun and maybe unknowingly she hit the nail on the head with her comment; " just remember, even animals seek to protect their young."

Madawo blames the victims

I read Innocent Madawo's "Our community's scourge" (July 26) on the advice of a close friend and was somewhat surprised at its inference.

Indeed he appears to be trivializing a serious social phenomenon by blaming the victims -- our community -- both directly and indirectly.

What exactly does he want our community to do?

Does he seriously believe we don't care about our young people, and that we condone lawless behaviour? Or is he playing to the wider community who for the most part share his view?

I do not know how informed and engaged he is with our community, but I have heard several of our leaders condemn the violence on many occasions.

These include faith groups, and others, notably the Mothers Opposing Violence Everywhere.

While we can't blame the "man" for everything, we ought not to be engaged in societal amnesia.

We can blame them for their policies and practices which exclude our children from opportunities and exposure that lead to productive and fulfilling lives.

Just note the recent racist and stereotypical language of one of the premier's staff regarding a brilliant young black man, a young man who has so far done everything that society deems necessary to get a good job.

I would suggest that Madawo read Amos Wilson's Black on Black Violence in service of White Domination for a deeper understanding of what he wrote.

"Black on Black criminality and violence represent quests for power and outraged protests against a sense of powerlessness and insignificance," Wilson writes.

Regarding our community hiding criminals, while you and I may have the integrity to do the right thing because of our moral values, just remember, even animals seek to protect their young.

And by the way, what about Madawo's personal and responsible efforts in this area? Why wait for "our leaders" and our community to "step up?"

If he cares so much, and has the answers, why doesn't he take the initiative to lead us out if this vicious circle?

June Veecock

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I lean to the right but I still have a heart and if I have a mission it is to respond to attacks on people not available to protect themselves and to point out the hypocrisy of the left at every opportunity.MY MAJOR GOAL IS HIGHLIGHT THE HYPOCRISY AND STUPIDITY OF THE LEFTISTS ON TORONTO CITY COUNCIL. Last word: In the final analysis this blog is a relief valve for my rants/raves.

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