Sunday, July 22, 2007

Saturday Night In A World Class City

Boy, 11, among dead in 3 shootings in Toronto

Two Toronto shootings leave one dead, three hurt


Anonymous said...

there are more world class cities in Canada my friend.

In Halifax, shot in broad daylight. Let's not forget that other cities, have serious gun problems as well.

That's not to minimize however. I'm sending a message that if we truly cared about human life, we would start looking at the problems rather than pointing fingers in the wrong direction.

After all, it is human life we are talking about.

Unhypentated Canadian said...

And what are those problems John? At who are the fingers being pointed. Were these problems caused by the 13 year old caught in the crossfire?

Anonymous said...

Well, if we are to assume your blog is on the right track, we should should pretty much physically remove Miller from the mayor's office. While I have no love for Miller, I don't think harping on a man who really has very little to do with the problem in reality, is going to solve much. I agree that calling for bans on handguns will do little. Although, the arguement is, that if banning these handguns saves a handful of lives, than it is worth it. I admit I have difficulty in disagreeing with this, but a little suspicious of those wishing to benefit from such programs, and the funding it would undoubtedly receive.

What are those problems? Well I assume you must be old enough to know yourself, er, unhyphenated Canadian. There are many problems, starting with the parents, the law for Juveniles, and up until now the inability of governments to get more 'boots on the ground'. I see governments quite willing to get these boots on the ground when it comes to fighting a useless war in Iraq, but are we content to place blame on a lame duck Mayor when it comes to gun crime, which is a real problem -across the country?

I see this blog pointing the fingers at the mayor my friend, I see very, very little else. I'm simply pointing this out. I don't think you realize just how it appears to the casual onlooker that arrives here just how much malice exists here, for Miller.

I believe it may be more constructive to llok at many other views and areas that can help lead to a solution. I am tired of seeing politicians capatilize on the death of our young, and the heartache of our families to further their political agendas. I watched as Stephen Harper did exactly that in the last election, promising to clean up gun crime, only to simply offer to try and keep perps behind bars for longer, as if that, will do anything.

But the sheep believed it, just as they have believed other governments of other political stripes. And our young still continue to get murdered...

Unhypentated Canadian said...

Will you support introduction of recall legislation to get rid of Miller?

Read my profile;...and it makes clear one of the two reasons for this blog.

As far as the problems you highlight some of the problems, while taking a shot at Bush and Harper, and you might ask yourself where Harper's law and order legislation....tied up in committee thanks to the bloc,ndp and liberals.

Anonymous said...

oh my, throwing a few barbless hooks of my own for fun had some surprising results!

I didn't mean to get you on the defensive in regards to your support of Harper. Now it seems this has quickly been reduced to a conversation of, tories vs liberals.

That was not my intention. My intention was to highlight what the current government, the one I believe we should be concerned about since they are in power now, is doing about the problem. Regardless of what the hapless liberals are up to right now, who aren't in power, thank goodness. I believe what Harper and his government are doing, is little more effective than the calls for handgun bans. But you see, many seem to think otherwise, and it's sad. It's sad I think for the families who are losing loved ones. While many continue to bicker about whether the tories, or the liberals, are doing the right thing, and will defend their party by lashing out at the other party, while refusing to discuss the actual policies.

Do you really belive that by making tougher laws that that will stop gun crime in Toronto?

Or are you going to offer the arguement I've heard a few try to pass off like, well if it saves one or two lives it's worth it...

Gee, that sounds remarkably similar to the liberal supporters defending their expensive gun registry now doesn't it. Don't get me wrong. I have no problem with a government who toughens sentences for gun crimes. In fact I wholeheartedly support it. But, what I have trouble with, is a government that tries to pass this off as 'cleaning up gun crime'.

Very, important difference. One many desparately refuse to acknowledge.

And as to whether I would support recall legislation in the city of Toronto... well, what are the alternatives????

Last election we had a choice between Miller, and Pitfield, who's only platform was "I'm against Miller". Puuulleease. That is what will fix everything???

I'm sorry but we have had very little to choose from in terms of mayor for this city, so I honestly don't know what that would really accomplish, except pleasing those who simply want "anythng but Miller". Which I believe for this city, is equally as dangerous as this current city council.

About Me

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I lean to the right but I still have a heart and if I have a mission it is to respond to attacks on people not available to protect themselves and to point out the hypocrisy of the left at every opportunity.MY MAJOR GOAL IS HIGHLIGHT THE HYPOCRISY AND STUPIDITY OF THE LEFTISTS ON TORONTO CITY COUNCIL. Last word: In the final analysis this blog is a relief valve for my rants/raves.

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