Cannabis harm worse than tobacco

Smoking Pot Makes People More Prone to Psychosis
An Internet Fisherman who uses barbless hooks and this one dimensional world as a way of releasing the frustrations of daily life. This is my pond. You are welcome only if you are civil and contribute something to the ambiance. I reserve the right to ignore/publish/reject anon comments.
I suppose, it isn't clear that no one, is talking about allowing anyone to smoke pot in bars.
No one, has suggested criminalizing tobacco. But we don't want it going in our lungs when we don't want it to.
so, that's why you don't hear the hue and cry from the nicotine nazis. No one is smoking it and causing others harm.
Get it?
I'm guessing this far too much, er, common sense for you to post.
oh, and what are the stats on alcohol related psychosis?
I know that summer is a period when a lot of road construction occurs but I don't see any detour signs in this post.
This deals with the "dangers" associated with smoking an illegal substance and all I see is the promotion of changing the pot laws, etc.
If you want to discuss Alcohol related stats I would suggest you do so in your blog.
See I know you would fail to see the point. That has been your MO from way back when. I thought maybe you'd get into a small discussion, but as I've said before, you aren't interested in discussion.
You were the one who brought up the nicotine nazis.
As it stands, pot is illegal, and we have endured a lengthy history of misinformation on it's effects. So I don't believe the nicotine nazis really need to say anything about it. Do you? And, should it become legal, it should be under the same regulations, if not stronger regulations, that tobacco is currently under. I don't believe anyone has suggested anything different.
As far as your psychosis thing, I suppose you missed this:
"The researchers on this latest study concede that they can't prove that marijuana itself increases the risk of psychosis, or whether those who choose to smoke marijuana have certain personality traits the pre-dispose them to developing psychosis.
It's also possible that pre-existing mental conditions lead many to both marijuana use and psychoses.
The Associated Press reports that two of the authors of this study were invited to sit as experts on the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs Cannabis Review in 2005. Several authors reported being paid to attend drug company-sponsored meetings related to marijuana, and one received consulting fees from companies that make antipsychotic medications."
taken from a report on CTV.
I recall the report of this study, and the fact that the results were sensationalized. This is why I brought up alcohol. Personally, I have witnessed quite a bit of pot use, and alcohol. I have seen far more devastating results from alcohol, than with pot. I am not minimizing the dangers of pot, nor do I use pot. That's a personal choice.
I will make no secret of the fact I believe the resources spent on busting our kids with a handful of pot and giving them criminal records fro life, can be better spent on catching murderers, rapists, and bigger time drug dealers.
What do you think?
Now I have registered an identity. I do have a blog, but have not had the time to enter posts as of yet I have too many family responsibilities currently. Perhaps I will soon.
When fishing you need to make the bait attractive and I try to do that and it looks like I succeeded. As far as discussion I am one of those who believe in catch/release most of the time.
A couple of points....
*you does the crime you does the time.
*-the use of pot indicates a pre-existing mental condition? That is a little bit of a stretch but I will give you the fact that I think anyone who uses "recreational drugs" is nuts.
ahhh, back to the old catch and release defense. It doesn't become you my friend. Better to express yourself, and be proud enough to discuss your position. See how silly my 'I hate seniors' post was?
That's how your 'catch and release' appears. Oh yes it does. :)
as to your points. Crime? You have side stepped the whole issue once again!
I realize now you will stay hidden behind 'reefer madness', and I suppose for the older generation, there isn't much one can do to present credible facts. They are content to continue to believe and accept what Dupont has indoctrinated them with.
It has been long known, that pot is not much more 'nuts' than alcohol. Sure there can be more negative health effects to a casual user, but, I look at smokers and think, there goes a guy, who is getting all the negative effects of pot pretty much, except, he's not getting anything out of it, besides relief to an addiction!
Now -that- my friend... is nuts.
Adds nothing to the original post....
is this code for I'm confuddled and can't come up with a witty comeback? :)
you have own what you post my friend. Saying you're 'fishing' is incredibly weak, and as my 'i hate seniors' post demonstrated, (missed my 'gotcha' there lol...) is absolutely useless.
Now I thought your big mission in life here is to show the hypocrisy of the left! So far, I see someone very effectively diminishing the credibility of those opposed to the er... left.
Leave humor to those who understand the art of it, and stick to exploring issues and discussing them.
This might accomplish more!
Looking around a little, besides me taking a few minutes to respond, hows the bait working out?
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