Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Personally I Voted NO!

As I have said before Harper is moving too far to the center rather than kissing ass he should be kicking ass. I understand why but I don't approve.

Polls show a majority government is not within the reach of any major party. Are you pleased with how minority governments have worked the past few years?


The Skinny said...

hah hah yea. A little to hot for ya eh?

Can't stand the heat...

Always thought from tcm days, put in a place without mods, and you'd 'cut and run'


Unhypentated Canadian said...

It is not cutting and running but being able to keep an open mind and I have on a number of occasions been critical of Harper's move to the middle and Tory's not kicking ass.

As far as tcm it was assholes like you who badgered (kiss ass) the admins to be more critical of my responses than most of you cucumber sandwich contributors.

At least I post here with the same handle I had at tcm.....can you say the same.

Unhypentated Canadian said...

Why do I find this comment familar?

"Articles and references?


Anyone can do that in a discussion, and not once actually say something that actually has basis in fact."

Okay I remember....The Liberal Red Book. Say anything you want, refuse to provide proof, unless of course if you are Chretein where the proof is the proof that the proof is the proof that the proof proves the proof,but rather launch a pathetic attack by labelling or making demeaning, childlike responses. Thank gawd I am not guilty of this type of behaviour.......

The Skinny said...

oh yes you are, in fact you're a master at it.

oh don't blame me for whatever happened at tcm. I wasn't around when you decided to disappear. I never did figure out what caused that blessed event. I'm not 'in' enough to know I guess. When I returned, you had cut and run I guess.

They're only demeaning and childlike, because you disagree with it.

I'm not interested in dancing around about who has what link or some apparent fact. I simply have conversations about them.

It hasn't escaped my notice that the comments generally not published which are many it seems, are the ones with a good arguement. Whether or not you agree with it or not.

That's too bad.

Unhypentated Canadian said...

Quote: "It hasn't escaped my notice that the comments generally not published which are many it seems, are the ones with a good arguement. Whether or not you agree with it or not." Quote

How are you able to tell whether a comment is published or not? Now if you talking about the comments you publish I will admit some are not published because they are so far off topic and make no sense that I don't have the time or inclination to respond; publishing them would make you the object of ridicule and the city has a no littering bylaw.

I will publish all your comments in future and hopefully that will satisfy whatever mental deficiencies you might have. This doesn't mean I will waste time responding.

About Me

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I lean to the right but I still have a heart and if I have a mission it is to respond to attacks on people not available to protect themselves and to point out the hypocrisy of the left at every opportunity.MY MAJOR GOAL IS HIGHLIGHT THE HYPOCRISY AND STUPIDITY OF THE LEFTISTS ON TORONTO CITY COUNCIL. Last word: In the final analysis this blog is a relief valve for my rants/raves.

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